Camille: money note
Watch out for Camille beating Mariah - catchiest song from her "music hole"
or watch it on her website (direct acces, videos):
flv. dir.: marie de crécy, p'haps?
Notwithstanding the roll call of better blacked-out background performer vids (Scissor Sisters for composition/execution, Pet Shop Boys for document, Hot Chip for postmodern twist) this is okaaaay... It does rely on the charisma of the artist though, which is no bad thing in my book.
this was pretty good. she's a bit of an annoying performer, but the video came out nice. I'd heard horror stories about the post on this, so i expected way worse. Pretty sure this was directed by Paf Le Chien.
ughhh. i like that, mostly for the golden/oraneg light. yes the black-suited background guys have been seen before, but this has some really nice bits.
Simple. Inventive.
works for me. just. Camilles contorted/cheeky face got me to the end when the assistants and lighting tricks started to wear thin.
Kind of liked this one.