The Wave Pictures, "Just Like A Drummer"

Dir: Eduardo Benchoam
Quicky: Juicy QT:
Im loving this video. Best ending ever!
Impossible to not love this! Infectious fun... it's the local fashion that makes it a winner for me. Where in south america was this shot?
That last shot is simply brilliant.
loved the bumper car
Cool! Thanks from Tejas. This'll get plenty of mileage.
Fantastic, loved it.
great job getting those performances for such a slight song. love the colours, too.
Ace! :)
Thanks guys.
This was shot in downtown Guatemala City. We had a great time making it.
Many videos start with a nice idea and lose steam as they go on. This one started "nice" and by the end I wanted to sing along and join the fun.
that was great! i had a smile on the whole time watching it. i'm in a better mood now. thanks waves!
This video made me very happy. And I'm a miserable bastard that hates everything and everyone, so that's impressive. Good on you Mr. Benchoam.
Wow. It really was that good. Will watch this again now...
I'm a jaded video industry person and I love this video. Nice one.
you spelled lindsay lohan wrong
the ending is priceless.
commissioned via radar (who knew?). chalk this one right up, caroline!