Jemapur – Maledict Car (dir. Kosai Sekine)

Very beautiful imagery. Very solid edit.
Now that's what I call quite good. Stunning photography. At times Kubrickian even. Great atmosphere and mood. Perhaps the only concern is that the whole thing ends up feeling about a minute too long. The first section is magical. The middle starts to drag. However, the ending picks right back up again.
That was the best music video experience I have had in a really long time. I want to see this on imax.
seriously. blown. away.
did i miss something?
Oh My God! I felt like I was in the future floating through a city. Amazing!
Looks like some hippys discovered the mirror effect. Wow so new age!... so existential.... so hip... so now.
quite easy to make something impressive with the mirror effect. the video is ok though
omg like im on drugs
I agree, it's hard to go wrong with the mirror effect but this one's so well coordinated.
Really like the pure texture aesthetic. Very cool!
I was really dragged in... the moment you see the seams of the mirrors/kaleidescope it begins to tumble back to earth somewhat. Cool nonetheless - witty and out there.
Welcome on board Kanye. Do you comment? (Too lazy to rename?)
KAY: Kanye has a ghost blogger that scans every major blog and rips articles for his own (antville, hypebeast, etc). I imagine the ghost blogger sends Ye links to which he approves.
Many a many video posted here will then end up on his site.
In an Absolut World [dir. Ulf Johansson] Everyone Could Be Kanye West [dir. Paul Krik]
fantastic. and nice track too. great edit, it's sharp but still lets the imagery breathe a bit.
reminds me a little of some of koichiro tsujikawa's stuff - how he uses live action to create patterns
I remember a video similar to this from an old Onedotzero DVD, "Arrive" Although this new one takes that concept and goes a bit further, I do like the simplicity of the older one.
- Prefuse 73 Half of What
Kanye's been scrubbing vids from antville for a lil while.
kosai now at spy