Shad "The Old Prince Still Lives at Home" (Hot Dog Garbage)
thunder chunky...hilarious
wow that was perfectly done. Almost eerily so. Not sure about the ending but it doesn't really matter.
That was indeed pretty cool. :D
Excellent. I love it, the ending accapella is great.
Dir. HotDogGarbage (Justin Broabent and Michael Leach) Prodco. The Field.
Director: The Field. Justin Broadbent is the production company, Hotdoggarbage is the producer and Michael Leach is this intern who just sits around eating hot dogs.
Justin is Hot and does all the wiener eating. Michael is DogGarbage, who has The Field interning in his pants.
just in from afield: dog's wiener bent in broad's hot-pants. (garbage is what this isn't.)
thats macjazz!
awwwwwesome! awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwesome!
this is great. hadn't heard of this shad fella but he's mighty talented.