Micky Green (dir; alex and liane)

This is actually a pretty nice video, it goes with the song.
It's got enough variety to keep the viewer interested, even though the variety stems from the same theme. It's something I could see being played at H & M or a trendy boutique.
Absolutely fashion lovely.
so so good
You guys have the Midas touch.
pretty but a touch too pretentious and mylène farmer-like for my taste
Makes the song better, all you can ask for in a video.
Really stylish performance. Perfectly matched to the track. nice work.
The title of the song is "Oh".
such a sovereign stylepiece.
frickin ace
As good as an 'artist in a white syc studio' video can get.
wonderfully directed.
i love alex and liane - this ace
i love Ross McLennan
Its the macjazz awlrite! Think they should have trimmed 30 secs off the vocals tho'