Francis and the Lights "The Top" Dir. Jake Schreier

fresh, cool & kickin' ass - more from JS
the ending was cool with the slo mo and the lights
Nice and simple:) Great ending!
what a piece
The ending was killer and the whole thing had a wonderful manic energy. Great video.
that sucked.
its not full of bells and whistles, but Jake did good to identify the strength and charisma of the lead dude, and build a video around it... sometimes less is more. you can kill a video by overdirecting it
One of the best videos I've seen lately. Amazing work all around.
nail on the head capn hairy. most definitely. i like how one light stayed lit... is it me or does that guy look kinda like vincent gallo?
if vincent gallo and jake schreier had a kid, this is what he'd look like
Nice. Who shot it?
Very nice video. Cool & understated.
A swing and a miss. Shot by Matt Santo. Bet you guys didn't know Jake is also in the band. He makes some of those fun beats!
This is kinda cool. Great ending, that guy looks like fashion designer Issac Mizrahi.
i thought i saw some track marks for the dolly. or maybe it was just some cracks in the floor. anyways, great finale, with the slow motion and the lights