ThreeInOne - Right Here (Arrived)
stop soooooo

#1 The Last Shadow Puppets - My Mistakes... - Dir. Richard Ayoade #2 The Teenagers - Feeling better - Dir. noDir #3 Foals - Olympic Airways - Dir. David Ma
why was this posted like this?
anyways, the LSP treatment must have been a paragraph long. too easy, car crash, morose walk thru city, awkward cordless guitar perf, end with mysterious broad walking off into fog.
pass. shoulda stuck with gavras for all their vids.
last shadow puppets 4/10 - just doesn't work teenagers 1/10 - appaling foals 6/10 -ryan mcginley strikes again
this new posting format is interesting, shame the vids aren't. I guess msm must be missing the olympics.
foals - silver, i preferred Haines version
the last shadow puppets - bronze - pass
the teenagers - fell at the first hurdle, awful, exploitative, i feel dirty (but i then again i guess that's the point)
gold - not awarded this time.
I love the "The Last Shadow Puppets" Video. wish there where some quicktime.
Why three in one?
Last shadow puppets was crap.
The teenagers was somewhat amusing but boring. (is that guitar line ripped from a new order song? Or am i just dreaming?)
Enjoyed the foals. The cinematography was superb. It kind of bothered me that it was just some cool kids fucking around with some junk in a field with nice cinematography and slow motion. It did work though but possibly just because of the cinematography. Anyway good video.
Ayoade loves his heavy smoke in the background.
Foals was kick ass. I thought it went really well with the music
Teenagers - Its no Just a Day
like the Foals video. I don't like so much the destroying part but the first and the baloons+end part are cool. Nice job!
LSP flv here (tho: wrong aspect ratio?). ref? guardian interviews ayoade here.
My Mistakes Were Made For You took best video at the NME awards last night. Not entirely sure why...
because of the song, either that or they really like videos based on fellini short films.