Mother Mother "O My Heart", Director: Colin Minihan
25,000 still photos later and over 10,000 paper cut outs later... miniature sets combined with full scale sets and lots of red paper fishes. Very cool!
(high quality)

I sorta hate to say it, it's a magnificent video and can tell all the hard work that went into it. But why is it that the same rules of perf>story>perf>story still apply? main vid is so imaginative that the perf footage feels like an afterthought, does not integrate. Why follow formula when your idea can branch out?
This is fucking awesome otherwise.
twitchy american sub pseudo goth burton dullest band on earth damp squib shocker.
Ok I won't get into the poster below, but I will say that unless you can do better, and PROVE IT, then your opinion is irrelevant. Posters in this site resort to the "seen it better done before" argument like on speed dial, not every video falls on that category. Most music videos have familiar elements, so judge it on it's merits.
People put time and effort to make these videos, some a good some are not. But something like this does not deserve to be dismissed by typical art school cynics who don't apply their theories to amount anything constructive.
Good video, despite what I said earlier.
You know there is trouble when the preface to a video is all hyberbolee and big numbers. Its actualy mildly insulting, its like doing a straight performance video on DV and saying
"75000 interlaced frames later, live action people combined with live action set, and synced with audio AMAZING!"
Yes you worked hard and it has polish but really we have seen this before and done oh so much better
"unless you can do better, and PROVE IT, then your opinion is irrelevant."
I completely disagree. All opinions are equally relevant, whether they're from an award-winning Partizan-repped MV director or a 12 year old kid. In fact I'd prefer to hear what the kid has to say, as he's probably watched more videos.
Also, while I appreciate the work put into this video, oh god, paper dolls AGAIN.
Firm believer in constructive criticism. Specifically stated to the poster above.
Everyone may have an opinion, not everyone knows what they're talking about. Seen it better before? good for you.
@vidbot: lol