Rio En Medio - "The Umbrella" Dir. Eli Stonberg
And here's the behind the scenes video:
You know hold on the "mothcam" for way too long (its mildly nauseating) but other than that I really like this.
Cute idea, cute girl, stunning location all combine to make something way more than the the sum of the parts, there is something lyrical and meditative about it that matches the music very well.
I think if you could recut this slightly and give us a few steadier shots of the performer and location this would feel a little less Peyote but then again if that was your aim, full marks.
nice track, nice colors, annoying moth, but solid overall
i wanna see her get raped by the moth
re - piore:
HA. Yeah we joked that the ending couldve had a shot of danielle looking up at the stars with a glowing blue stomach.
sequel anyone?