Tiger Lou- 'The Loyal' (Dir. Magnus Renfors)

Old video, but has never been posted here. ...and it's brilliant.
Youtube: www.youtube.com
mov here: videos.filmtecknarna.se
Someone explain- was there a time in the mid-00's when bands from Sweden had government grants for music videos?
Direct MOV, very nice.
Whoa. How old is this? Old enough to be an early Dethurah influence......???
wow - beaut! (mvdbase has it as 2005-dec...)
excellent. as regards budget, his recent and utterly disappointing buy now vid was about $30 k.
Loved it. Talk about a piece built around tone. This hit the right note and built throughout. A much belated cheers.
also, if you haven't seen this other mini masterpeice (in my eyes) Renfors and Tiger Lou also collaborated on you should check it out:
this is so sad
it givs e me goosebumps