Above the Sea "Handfed" : Dan Brown

nudity without any reason sucks. imo. maybe i'm to stupid to get the message. And i'm a huge fan of David Lynch for example. I like athmosphere, etc... but this is just dull.
And I hate such "nude without being nude" images. If its important to show the woman nude than show the woman nude! Without holding her breats like this and backlights and cutting away. Show some tits.
It Pop Shit. Like Britney Spears... singing in some shorts. presenting her ass. Look at me, but not touch me. Its erotic art and not porn... etc...
All Bullshit.
I think they were going for a repressed-puritan-breaks-free type deal. :) I think if this had been shot on location, and without lip singing it would have been stellar. -j
I live in south-Italy and the video is impossible to see. Damn...
My error is normally. The smoke is in the brain... they was another video impossible to see: "Ja Ja with Forever Tears".
Sorry, but the smoke is good.
I don't think it was nudity for no reason. I liked the close up detail shots with shallow focus - I thought they achieved a nicely atmospheric feeling within a video that I assume was made with budget restrictions that made it necessary to execute everything using vfx instead of shooting on location and burning a house etc. The performance shots were the weakest element in my opinion.
Don't think they actually burned a house for this. But it is a fairly effective video for a short little wisp of a song.
I liked it. It was atmospheric and evocative. The imagery was captivating and unlike Claire I enjoyed the performance. Seemed like a good piece of work to me and was more interesting than the new Pink or Leona Lewis (which I'm sure had 10x the budget of this tiny morsel).
Well Done.
It's Above the Sea "Handfed".
quick shout to dek & kays, the 'ville's self-appointed chief archivists. place wouldn't be the same w'out ya.
that sucked. chick had whale hips and vid was boring
nice shots in there. some of the performance shots were weak. leona lewis' video is way better, kal. whatchu talkin bout willis
Whale hips?? ;) Maybe I like my artists curvy. :D
I'll second the Leona shout-out. She's actually got a pretty solid videography.
I liked it.
The music is sparse, and the video is too.
ditto otc, k & Luke.