progosk, December 22, 2008 at 11:46:21 PM CET
antville Music Video Awards 2008
The Winners (say hi) !
The Best Unknown/Unsigned Director category saw a protracted tit-for-tat between 'ville regular Jesse Ewles and relative newcomers That Go. Each was recently featured on Directors Notes; now, after the ex-aequo antville win, they've stopped by for some mutual appreciation...:
"hey antville,
thank you for this award. we've been watching antville since we started making music videos and it's cool to be recognized for our work here, we are very grateful. we are also excited to share the award with jesse ewles.
we first saw jesse's work when we were toying with the idea of making music videos ourselves. his videos have an integrity that really inspired us, as does his artistry and the thoughtfulness of his work. his clip for 'moros eros' in particular is our favorite, but all of his stuff is proof that good ideas and talent matter most in an industry with falling budgets. he certainly deserves this award and we are honored to share it with him.
noel & stefan (that go)
"Thanks for the love gang! And congratulations to THAT GO (did anyone eat that rooster afterward??)
Absent of the support base a production house offers, it's feedback from the grassroots community here on antville and elsewhere that keeps me going. You guys rock, seriously.
I also extend a HUGE congratulations to my fellow homeless-directors, both those nominated here (TOBIAS, Andrew, Noel & Stefan I salute you) and the rest around the world slugging it out daily in their bedrooms and shared studios for the love of the work and little else. As P.T Anderson put it: "it's a miracle whenever a film manages to get made"; I think this is doubly true for those of us who work solo.
I look forward to seeing all the amazing projects our community develops in the future. I'm first and foremost a fan.
Take care everybody,
PS~ For those of you interested, my Of Montreal video that's been shelved since the summer will be premiering in January. I HOPE! :)"