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Feed the Tree

May 2009 be full of fat tails for us all.

antdude, December 23, 2008 at 7:29:41 PM CET

Uh, how is this a music video?

otc, December 24, 2008 at 3:18:41 AM CET

That Kiefer clip is sublime until you find out that it's apparently from some documentary about himself that he's promoting. Wait, that might actually make it funnier.

budget, December 30, 2008 at 12:31:25 AM CET

30f: Would you please weigh in on this article: Music Industry Looks To Internet For Revival

Particularly this quote:

"Universal Music, the industry leader, has said that it makes “tens of millions of dollars” from YouTube."

We're making 10k videos that end up making their labels millions of dollars! We're still getting screwed over!!!

30f, January 1, 2009 at 7:59:15 PM CET

Hey, budget –

Hope that this post is what you were after.

familiar, January 1, 2009 at 9:00:35 PM CET

30f nailed it. This is another bullshit press release that the music industry has been offering in an effort to quell investor fears. Reminds me of Atlantic's "over half our sales are now digital" release: Sure, that's true, but why forget to mention that it's half of a lower overall sales total? Hah.

Music industry fail. :(


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