invertebrae, January 4, 2009 at 8:17:19 AM CET
Over the Rhine "Desperate for Love" (Co-curated by Ryan Dunn and Bran Dougherty-Johnson)
Seven teams created this video as a nod to the Surrealist game of exquisite corpse.
Team 1: Ryan Dunn Team 2: Paul Cayrol Team 3: Masayoshi Nakamura + Erik Montovano Team 4: Ryan Rothermel + Thai Tran Team 5: Jon Saunders + Cary Janks Team 6: Caroline Attia Team 7: Bran Dougherty-Johnson
progosk, January 5, 2009 at 3:33:30 PM CET
some nice stuff in this, but all in all it plays like an animation house showreel.