Slagsmalsklubben - Sponsored by Destiny (Dir. Daniel Eskils)

Youtube: ; MP4 Vimeo:
Some kind of wonderful. The little floatie house is my favourite. :)
Really great work! Technical question- how did you get youtube to play the high quality version as default?
my brain is still recovering. nice work.
this is fabulous
Brilliant, super work!
erm, with some more material and a proper edit, this could have been stellar. budg: add &fmt=18 onto the u2b link. if it's hd, add &fmt=22.
thanks prog, cool trick.
Enjoyed that. The shot of the brown balaclava kids in the boat with the white haired woman is striking!
I'm with progosk on this one. Almost but not quite. A few nice ideas and some nice shots but generally very vague.
i like it, especially the ending with the house afloat
This makes me feel like I'm watching AMP on mtv back in 99, which is a good place to be.