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Scopitone: "High Boots" by "Unknown Artist"

Scopitone:"High Boots" by "Unknown Artist".mov What's A Scopitone? 
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progosk, February 10, 2009 at 4:01:59 PM CET

not frankie valli, then? nor del shannon? or vinnie monte?

progosk, February 10, 2009 at 6:10:15 PM CET

wait, is this(scroll down) what it is?

""High Boots" is a December 12, 1963 recording by Robert Van Houten, with The Soft Parade Orchestra, responsible for the 1968 album by the Doors. Curtis Amy, a trombone player, played saxophone. This is the first song that Jimi Hendrix recorded with Robert Van Houten - Hendrix played his signature guitar, but also played base in the song.

When the Scopitone for "High Boots" came out in 1965, the remaining members of RVH filed lawsuits sighting copyright infringement. The reason: Scopitone "misused" the song in their project, and instead of even a RVH impersonator, they used a man now known as "Eraserhead". They all soon settled out of court but the Scopitone itself won favor of its collectors."

spikepriggen, February 12, 2009 at 3:48:37 PM CET

That's just some crazy made-up performance art shit :)

Go look at the guy's youtube page - he's a nut.

spikepriggen, February 12, 2009 at 3:49:41 PM CET

"not frankie valli, then? nor del shannon? or vinnie monte?"

sorry- don't actually have any of those yet :(

progosk, February 12, 2009 at 4:02:05 PM CET

no: i meant the singer of this one. none of the above?


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