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YouTube to block UK music videos

BBC article here.

YouTube is blocking all premium music videos to UK users after failing to reach a new licensing agreement with the Performing Right Society (PRS). Thousands of videos will be unavailable to YouTube users from later on Monday.

quaint - just as one wondered "who needs Big Music on YouTube?"

my name is legion, March 10, 2009 at 11:36:28 AM CET

what's a premium music video? a vid featured on youtube? one that's got millions of hits? or what does exactly youtube consider a premium video?

ps: beyonce's can still be watched as far as i can see. also oasis or lily allen

progosk, March 10, 2009 at 11:40:42 AM CET

... UK users...

my name is legion, March 10, 2009 at 12:19:48 PM CET

that's why i am asking, the article says the uk youtube users will be banned from watching those premium vids, and the reason i am still able to watch beyonce or lily allen is that maybe they're not considered premium videos? what's a premium video?

progosk, March 10, 2009 at 12:31:10 PM CET

righty-o, carry on.

my name is legion, March 10, 2009 at 12:50:13 PM CET

strange, i can watch the fear, but i cannot watch alfie and smile.

LE: oasis is still up for view, depeche mode, filthy dukes, so i don't know, either the article is way mo alarming than it ought to be, or the ban hasn't gotten into effect yet. you'll never know.

LELELELEL: its here indeed:

09 March 2009 | Posted By: Patrick Walker | Permalink YouTube, the UK and the Performing Rights Society for Music We have invested a lot of time and effort trying to ensure that our community can find and enjoy the music they love, and we have strong partnerships with three of the four largest record labels in the world, as well as many independent labels. But copyrights in music can get pretty complicated. For example, there may be several different copyrights in a single music video, controlled by different organisations with different interests. The visual elements and the sound recording of a music video are typically owned by a record label, while the music and lyrics of the song being performed are owned separately by one or more music publishers. These publishers often designate organisations called collecting societies to issue licences and collect royalties on their behalf. In the UK we've had a licence from the collecting society called PRS for Music to make music videos provided by our record label partners available to our users in the UK.

Our previous licence from PRS for Music has expired, and we've been unable so far to come to an agreement to renew it on terms that are economically sustainable for us

progosk, March 10, 2009 at 1:55:14 PM CET

radar sez: "think it means partner channels where users rev share, rather than if content is PRS registered."

spreech, March 10, 2009 at 8:48:46 PM CET

a german article explains the case quiet well: (in german ...)

msm, March 10, 2009 at 11:57:31 PM CET

youtube blog

robodrug, March 11, 2009 at 12:48:30 AM CET

I can still get all content so don'no wot they are talkin' bout! But then I've got my u2b set to Worldwide / English

my name is legion, March 11, 2009 at 10:40:25 AM CET

but i dont think it gots to do with your utube settings but your ip address

hassinator, March 11, 2009 at 7:03:58 PM CET

no fun for directors who make video pitches - where will they get their references from now?

bbc, March 11, 2009 at 10:32:41 PM CET

where they got them before

progosk, March 20, 2009 at 1:07:45 PM CET

interesting proposal by musician steve lawson.


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