OT: Digg Style

Would anyone be interested in a Digg style of this site?
- voting based system (crappy videos get buried)
- automatically search for duplicates (no more REPOSTS!)
- good/popular videos stay on front page for x-amount of days
- better, more efficient RSS feeds
- sort by new categories as site gets more popular (ex: indie section, hip hop section, etc...)
- open-source and scalable (most likely use the Pligg CMS system); other PHP programmers can jump in with suggestions, their own codes and plugins for the site
- save time
Suggestions? Discuss.
Thanks, Jobless Programmer
the only answer: do it, and see. (my guess? digg-style ain't the answer for niche interests.)
I'd like to see production data to be added by the users (eg company, year and place of production etc) into searchable columns.
posters names to be able to search the videos they post
I like the idea. We can vote out dupes and bad videos too. How about videosift.com's format?
just to clarify: my earlier "do it, and see" means: any/all of the things suggested in discussions such as this one will need to be done on a new separate site, as they are simply not implementable on the 'ville. (this site, for better or for worse, is built on the antville framework, and there's very limited currently no scope for flashier trappings.)
I prefer the current egalitarian method of posting. Most unknown artists/directors would get buried pretty quickly regardless of the quality of their work. The "mixed bag" of antville keeps it fresh, and keeps me coming back. My2cents.
im in support of any system that keeps hot threads on the front page for a little while.
Its frustrating when the only thread anyone wants to read is buried on the second page.
I think if there was a way to highlight the 5 hottest threads to go above "recent comments", you could leave the rest of the site the same and all would be groovy. not sure if this is possible within antville framework?
Yes, the more that this site can get with the times the better.
I read daily & enjoy the unfiltered over view. If there's something "hot", I just search it.
I for one also appreciate the lack of ranking system, frankly I don't care all that much what other people think about posts & would not enjoy being deprived of exposure to clips simply because they are of minimal interest to the "mass" of the community. There are already plenty of sites like that.
This site is VERY utilitarian as it is. Is it really THAT hard to find something or to simply turn a page?
NO, please.
~i.m.o. ~
I go with Stoney.
I come around very often, I comment rarely, but: i think that listing the top ranked video in a column/box in the homepage would be useful and woul be a sort of feed back of what the antvillers like most at the moment. something like "pitchforkmedia.com" does for "best new music".