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Lady Sovereign - So human (Dir??)

mainchara, March 16, 2009 at 5:08:57 PM CET

Whoa! That was pretty hard to watch all the way through... It looks like it cost $10 to make.

This could've been a fan-made clip thrown together by freshman in high school. :( And I like the song plenty enough, even if it is forgettable. I feel extremely bad for Lady Sov. because this is not helping her "return to form" claim.

lightden, March 16, 2009 at 7:07:17 PM CET

Director David Allain at Draw

a-morphic, March 16, 2009 at 7:18:25 PM CET

R.I.P draw pictures

waste of money

captainplanet, March 16, 2009 at 8:10:09 PM CET

for all you users from the UK. Is Lady Sovereign one of the bigger musical acts over there?

spencefilms, March 16, 2009 at 10:18:06 PM CET

Wouldnt say its horrible, I was expecting a lil bit more though considering her other great videos.

robodrug, March 17, 2009 at 12:03:36 AM CET

Doubt it very much Capt P She once woz the 'pin-up darling' of Grime n' nemesis of Jentina, dissin' her big time with her parody of "Bad Ass Strippa" retitled "Sad Arse Strippa". Indeed much woz made of it for months on the now defunct forum

Despite her initial US promise, seems the Karma police have caught up with her meanness n' no one over 'ere really gives a toss 'bout Sovereign any more

Still not surprising considering her 'mickey mouse' vocal take on Jamaican Patwa (Patois) has hardly advanced further since her Sad Arse days. Naff then and naff now!

vedgal, March 17, 2009 at 1:05:50 AM CET

Yep, another wasted opportunity.

kalstark, March 17, 2009 at 2:30:36 AM CET

I feel damn near dirty saying this but I don't mind the video... I dunno, it feels like it has its heart in the right place or something; like a kid offering a homeless man a mud pie. That said, I can't hide behind metaphors, the song is undeniably superior to its visual accompaniment.


quixoticnyc, March 17, 2009 at 2:50:06 PM CET

More than I question the video, I question the song. In the past, I've definitely enjoyed a Lady Sovereign track or two, but what is this?

There was once a time when sampling meant using a hook to create something new. There is a huge difference between that and remixing a Cure song and borrowing the melody for the chorus too. At that point, all that is new is basically lyrical replacement. Isn't that what Weird Al use to do to make us laugh. Sadly, this formula is becoming more and more prevalent in music.

I'm aware of the licensing costs that it would take to make a record like Public Enemies "It Takes A Nation of Millions to Hold A Us back" in this day an age. The costs would be absurd and therefore the record wouldn't be made. Unfortunately, that is the state of sampling - the state of big business. Laying down your own vocals in the rhythm of the very track licensed is just beat.

legalog, March 18, 2009 at 2:03:02 AM CET

forget the song. lady sov is what she is. This is just a very very poor video - i'm suprised this was even allowed release. It takes awesome incompetence to make this artist any less credible. But whoever directed this fucking awful video has excelled themseles. TRAGIC.

dunstable456, March 18, 2009 at 2:08:56 AM CET

so human? so shit.

my name is legion, March 19, 2009 at 12:57:56 AM CET

@a-morphic yeah, i hear it just liquidated, but what happened with the directors on their roster?

lindseylohan, March 20, 2009 at 4:22:22 PM CET

Lady Sov used to have lots of money for her videos. She doesn't anymore...HELLO PEOPLE!

This video is really good and done for beans when her other videos from just years ago had much bigger budgets!

So why are you all such a big bunch of haters? Does it make you feel good to sit on your high horse and have lots of useless opinions that no one cares about?

Also, this video is made for Lady Sov and her audience! Not the antville committee of expert jurors such as yourself.

Go outside and enjoy the sun! XOXO

Yours truly, Li-Lo

robodrug, March 20, 2009 at 5:04:25 PM CET

^^ er....sorry jus' spotted a fatal flaw in your argument The video was made to promote her record, not really as a thank you to her loyal fans I'd surf over to prefix mag I hear they like it there! Sorry they say no! Well what about stereo gum? er ...not exactly an unanimous endorsment

mainchara, March 20, 2009 at 7:27:53 PM CET

Oh robodrug,

You've just said everything that needed to be said about this video. :)


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