Ciara feat Justin Timberlake "Sex Magic" : Dir. Diane Martel

I didn't know Dov Charney also directed music videos.
Dir. Diane Martel
Ciara and Martel are a perfect fit.
Nice edit, one of the few videos that actually manages to pull off the digital projector effect well. The gimmick sunglasses trend is now officially ripe for parody.
woohoo, yet another vid in which timberlake stands around, ogles girls, and does nothing of interest. well done. i'd say porjector on body effect is well past it's prime, but then who's counting?
All around sexy as F@$%. Great track. Perfect video for the song. Diane Martel really shines at doing sexy.
^ what she said.
naughty, naughty. killer vid and the projection thing must be in the air as i've had two pitches with this reference in the past month but nothing that nailed it like ms martel. big up.
Really well done. Fits the song quite nicely. Ciara looks gorgeous in this.
this really wants to be a hit (but the era of hits is over) - who produced this track? so much sex. not much magic.
Forgettable and quite ugly to look at.
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