Tiga "Shoes" (Dir. Alex and Liane)

Flash Stream (click to play) FLV
I like that glove.
i love that glove.
nicely disposable. (tiga been listening to DAF?)
Its the sound of my shoes.
nice dunk on that alley-oop pass progosk.
cool song. i really like the last third when it gets all abstracted. maybe im just a sucker for green body paint and triangles. the styling is great. the art direction is super fun.
i really don't like how literal most of it is though. maybe it's a kind of irony, like the hilarious literal Red Hot Chili Peppers video - but i doubt it.
i would go so far as to say that literalism is one of the unfortunate creativity diseases of the ultra-contemporary moment, a flip side to the creativity that flourishes out of the richness of pop cultural knowledge and data-mining.
"i would go so far as to say that literalism is one of the unfortunate creativity diseases of the ultra-contemporary moment, a flip side to the creativity that flourishes out of the richness of pop cultural knowledge and data-mining."
That's an antville comment if I've ever heard one. Hilarious.
I starting watching but didn't get all the way through. The 2/3rds I saw were interesting but it just wasn't enough to hold me for the rest of it.
It may have been the song too though. It was kinda good and kinda cool because of it's uniqueness but still just wasn't really good enough. Perhaps this is just one of those times when personal tastes override possible appreciation for creativity and technique.
This video was, after the initial 'hmmm' factor wore off, just 'meh' to me. In fact, the past week or two, maybe it's been three even, have been more 'meh' than almost any other time I can recall. It makes me sad for music videos...
Very nice!
Assuming that is genuine tube burn & flair, yes?
Great track too.
kal: This kind of thing happened last year, too. We'll get back into the groove soon.
All I could do was think of this...
Delightful. Put together with confidence. This is like an Aronoffsky game show variant driven by sleazy warholesque fashion. Fun song to work with..
i can dig it. just as you'd expect...very very nicely made!
re. literalism: considering the utter nonsense of the song, what else could you do? i think if you're going to go literal, you might as well go REALLY literal like that.
@budget: No, THAT is ;)
@loz - you could do all kinds of things, that's my point. having her stomp her shoes while lipsynching about shoes feels like a sesame street skit starring the count.
but again, i didn't feel it was all that funny, which means if irony was the point, it didnt hit it hard enough.
vimeo link with MOV download option
All I could do was think of this... :)
These shoes suck. (me too, brainticket, me too)
Overall, I did not like it. It had no point, which is okay if enough cool stuff is going on (not enough cool stuff was going on). This is one of those videos where I feel like the band had a good laugh getting people to watch their inanity.