La Roux "Bulletproof" Dir. The Holograms @ UFO

lame, more
Perfect. I normally hate GS videos but the movement and colors more than deliver the abstract quality of the song. Her intense focus in the delivery also drives it home. Great vid, graphics are astounding.
Msm "lame" is the word I would use to describe your contribution to this forum. Everything you have ever written reeks of a bitter man who has too much time on his hands.& FYI, I have no connection with this video.
friendly 1st comment, fed. thanks a lot.
not lame at all. cool keyboard tunnel
she looks like tilda swinton's spawn (nothing wrong with that). why does she look so angry? i think she's trying a wee bit too hard
I don't know. The designs around here just seemed to be as important as her hair style - no storytelling element. Would have been nice if the background lent an evolving idea to the song.
Great design. Although I have to say, thought she was pretty cute after her last two vids, not so much now.
i really love the background design - it's such a cool use of 3d.
the compositing is uneven; sometimes it's flawless, sometimes it's another green screen video.
And La Roux - okay not the most amazing performance, but nothing terrible. What is terrible is the makeup - which is usually packaged with the singer / label. It feels like they're going for something different, for an electro look - but really fucked it up. It makes her look ugly; when in real life she is merely plain.
If she was gorgeous you could go crazy on the makeup; but she's not - so there needs to be a balance between avant garde and beauty.
Maybe I'm overthinking it, but it couldn't have hurt the video's chances if she looked amazing in it. Her hair is goofy fun.
Yeah, I agree - the makeup did her no favours. Also, it's awfully 80s, again. I'd love to see something with her that didn't make her look like a third-rate annie lennox wannabe.
I'm on board with all the make-up comments - clearly the weakest link here. It's really quite surprising; it's not often that make-up hurts a video...
the make-up could have been so much worse
le: as for la roux, i think the girl's quite pretty
i thought mega force were doing this one?
or was that another single?
Ain't she supposed to look tuff and bullet proof like?
Grace Jones not cuttin' it like Abbey Clancy!
Get the MOV (91MB) here. (Source)
i've seen her play live, here in montreal, and she is quite pretty. i find Little Boots prettier, but that's another story...
The issue with the makeup is that it makes her eyes disappear. She could have kept all the wild colours and just added some dark liner and it would have made her eyes pop.