Oh No Ono "Swim" directed by Adam Hashemi
Music vid for Danish group Oh No Ono. Director: Adam Hashemi. DP: Lasse Frank. Produced by Bacon. Released May 15th.

hahahahahahaha crazy fuck
Sick more than crazy! Necrophilia wannabe Won't be watching that again!
That's f'ed up.
Great cinematics, kept me engaged.. I liked it! UPDATE Have seen it again, and wow it's really really amazingly crafted! :D
Fantastic Adam. Very well done. Music track is awesomely curious as well.
Liked the image-audio synch.
As long as that kid doesn't start talking to his finger in funny voices....
tight werk adam! perfectly eerie and a great compliment to the track. Good casting on the boy!
very nicely done
an undisputed masterpiece.
That was just perfect, start to finish.
The first thing I did after watching this was check IMDB to see if the director had any feature credits. I guess that means it was good.
Cool crzy :) idea! Great shot! Love it!
Every frame a masterpiece. Bravo!
congrats, this is awesome!!!
this is one of the best videos i've seen in ages. i agree about the casting of the boy, and its got a great f'ed up tone to it. hal ashby-esque. if i was an idiot i'd say that the only awkward note that sticks out is the wonky dolly out that doesn't go anywhere at 4.03. aside from that, flawless.
perfect. a masterpiece.
Yeah, a couple wonky dolly moves aside (and Sexy Nurse's surprisingly rubbish CPR), most excellent esp shot framing. DP deserves great praise... and better grips.
the dolly out (im not sure thats a dolly, tho) at 4:03 is very justifiable in that it's the kid's POV.
Loverly clip! as the comments say the photography is top notch, everything working together beautifully.
fucking great