MGMT - 'Kids' (Dir. Ray Tintori)

woweeee... the animation was crazy fresh
Oh come on, that's approaching greatness (if not quite making it). That scene where the kid walks down the sidewalk terrified at the monsters around, is emotional stuff.
Kids are a bastard to work with apparently, so all kudos to the director.
"*No Children were harmed in the making of this video"
I'm pretty sure that kid is traumatized for life. Nonetheless, I love the song, and the video is something I can get used. First Tintori video I liked. It's nice to see a MGMT video with a budget.
Half-hearted concept with a minute of unrelated filler animation. Even the edit and shot selection seemed unplanned and random. What's to like?
Sesame Street, meet Spike & Mike.
i feel really uneasy watching a young child balling out genuinely hysteric tears for the sake of a film.
related and interesting: &
I like the first half, especially the beginning. Although the band look slightly uncomfortable in those costumes.
I like the style of animation from the second half. Some classic references in there. But I did seem to get lost and bored during this second half. Just wasn't enough to carry on from the first half.
Anyway some good ideas in there although a little sloppy in execution but I guess thats Tintori's style. Like a more educated and avantegarde version of Ace Norton. Which is quite refreshing.
Liked the idea, liked the monsters, liked the animation! Sure it was really sloppy. But still was a fun video, there's a lot to like about it!
The animation was awesome...
a lot to like in this (the band's get-ups notwithstanding). reminded me of blegvad's little story.
Wow, Peter Blegvads comic blew me away! Eerie and beautiful in Night of The Hunter kinda way. Thanks progosk, for sharing the link!
Cool. I just wish this was used somehow...
Animation by Christy Karacas of 'Super Jail' fame.
There are probably four cool music video ideas in here, but all together it just a rich arty kid who does a lot of drugs jerking off on your eyeballs.
I feel like a lot of Ray's videos start with him making a list of weird, random, fucked up druggy shit, and then cramming them all into a treatment, with no rhyme or reason or regard for the artist or the song. "Let's put the artist in feathers, and then there's a guy hitting a piñata, and then there's a guy walking backward with a mask on the back of his head, and then he starts farting lazers that turn into hotdogs...." Which sometimes works, and sometimes doesn't. It's visually exciting for the ADHD set, but never really engages the viewer. That's why Gondry's stuff usually works. It's free-association most of the time, but follows a dream logic that is emotionally satisfying.
In any event, I applaud him for finally finishing this damn thing. I heard it took like 6 months.
Fun fact: apparently the mom is Joanna Newsom.
more ray
tintori to direct feature.
that was quick
^haha, yeah.
Looking forward to it!
and remember when this video was such a big deal? weird now...