progosk, June 13, 2009 at 10:06:57 AM CEST
Sonic Youth Video Picks has a don't-miss playlist of videos up, curated by Sonic Youth:
- Samara Lubelski - Road To Misfortune (Dir. Theo Angell)
- Excepter - Any and Every (Dir. Adam Egypt Mortimer)
- Teenage Jesus And The Jerks - Orphans (Dir. Ivan Lerner)
- Erase Errata - Cruising (feat. Nana)
- Vivian Girls - Tell The World (Dir. Timothy Fiore)
- Pocahaunted - Warpaint
- Tone Loc - Wild Thing (Dir. Tamra Davis)
- Kleenex/LiliPUT - Die Matrosen
- Six Organs Of Admittance - Goodnight (Dir. Cam Archer)
- Awesome Color - Eyes of Light (Dir. The Wilderness)
adam egypt mortimer, June 16, 2009 at 9:57:27 PM CEST
that bruce-connor-esque teenage jesus video is a great find from an incredible era of music (i'm a huge fan of all things lydia lunch)
and that article about director Ivan Lerner is priceless -- i'd dare any young hip filmmaker 'viller to read it and not have a sudden encounter with a possible ghost of christmas futures. it's also astounding to me that i read the whole article assuming is was written in the past month or two, what with all its talk about job cuts and recessions, only to read at the very end that it came out in 2002.