Lily Allen - Fuck You

New videoclip of Lily Allen "Fuck You". Produced by Frenzy and Arnaud & Clement.
awesome! Great work for not having access to the artist. Who directed?
Yes that's a nice piece and as capt'n says, it don't show no Lily
Read somewhere its on its way to becoming a gay u2b anthem
directors are Arnaud Boutin and Clement Dozier
video is cool, but the song is terrible
Awesome & Fun!
Get ready for the ad world to rip this one off a million times over.
i see the iPhone user interface has found its way to video.
Wow. Great execution on that.
Yay for not showing the irritating artist!
This candy's half as sweet without Lily.
yes yes and yes.
lusk81 you're absolutely right!
very true lusk, it already oozes the notion of it being conceived by ad creatives.
It screams "we have been trying to make this for a while but no client will buy it, so lets turn it into a video"
Well executed and heaps of fun.
Nice. Demands a making of treatment.
hehhe niice
well done, but it has nothing to do with the song.
Gondry-esque. -j
Actually I believe Camille Dauteuille is also one part of the three-man directing team behind this. You should add that to the credits. -->
this was a fun video, but after the first couple of fx they just felt like a rehashing...they didn't get more complex or build into some sort of greater story.
I did like the iPhone window flipping...
luke's got it dead on. there's the initial cool factor, but it doesn't progress at all. i feel another director (daughters, schofield, megaforce, etc.) would have been able to really develop different scenarios to incorporate the effect.
i'm crushing your head, anyone?
This video has been directed by AB/CD/CD, including Clément Dozier, Arnaud Boutin, but ALSO Camille Dauteuille ! Production: FRENZY Paris ( _ Post-Production: AB/CD/CD chez Firm.
Le clip a été réalisé par , nom du collectif de réalisateurs incluant effectivement Clément Dozier et Arnaud Boutin, mais AUSSI Camille Dauteuille ! Production: FRENZY Paris ( _ Post-Production: AB/CD/CD chez Firm