Coldplay - strawberry swing - FULL VIDEO

PS. if u have it in MOV or in High Quality, please post :D
dear god that's beautiful.
the fact there's no shynola director's label dvd or equivalent is a tragedy.
missed you lot something fierce.
that is quite amazing.
did they really actually draw each frame behind him or is it a trick? I can't imagine anyone having that kind of time.
it's put in post production. some drawings overlap on the lower part of the wall or whatever that is. but, who cares, 5 stars altogether.
welcome back, shynola!
@trainwreck - call me old fashioned, but, this probably deserves a screen-capture still or something if there's no embed to be had. Shucks, just seems round these parts posts need a sweet screen grab to reel em in more proper like. Crediting the director can't hurt none too much neither.
you're right :D there it is :D
quiet similar but more charming:
Definitely a lovely video and well paired to the song. The Shynola fellas certainly must've been influenced by Jan Von Holleben's photos "dreams of flying" and Julian Beever's sidewalk chalk murals.
Is this some sort of sequel to their Junior Senior video?
Yep. Well done, especially the princess and the flying bits at the close.
wow, this is probably the fullest realization of the top down, stop motion effect that I've ever seen. Even if they did cheat a little.
Absolutely spectacular. A wonderful wonderful piece.
the real reason i love shynola so much is it's never the technique in the end, it's what they do with it.
Very nice, its got a lot of heart. Would like to see a HD version
Why sequel to the Junior Senior video? Do you mean the squirrel - he pops up in a bunch of their videos.
That was outstanding.
Which other Shynola videos does the evil squirrel pop up in? I was only aware of 'Move Your Feet'.
This one:
just posted .mov!
Lovely and amazing!
oh wow.
simply delightful and amazing.
my favorite video in a while. art!
Shynola Coldplay plagiarism accusations and rebuttals....
man, everyone wants a piece of coldplay, eh?
But seriously, antville is the place to grieve "rip-off!", not sending letters to the band's management. lame.
That's pretty a bizarre accusation.
gallagher's "original" video...