Mew "Introducing Palace Players" - Dir. Martin De Thurah

Here is Martin's newest. According to Shots it was co-directed by Adam Hashemi and Lasse Martinussen.
hmmm. no coments so far.... HELLO... its the new "MARTIN DE THURA" Clip!!! ... I watched it... and... puhhh i don't know. Hate that part with the snail and the laser pointe. Laser pointer straight into the snails eyes. ARG. cruelty to animals. imho.
And "keef"... please use irfanview or something similar and make a screenshot of that clip! and post it.
Cruelty to animals indeed. What was the point including that part anyway?
Some pretty National Geographic type shots in an otherwise wasted 5 minutes of run time. The video did absolutely nothing for me and the only reason I didn't stop watching after the first minute was De Thurah's name. It's a shame really - I'd love the extra 4 minutes back.
ditto kalstark
LOVE that part with the laser pointer and the snails. Cruelty to animals? Oh my gay. I'm glad they cut out the scene where they poured salt on the horses.
This video is great. Not to mention, gorgeous. It's a slow burn for sure, but to me, that creaking pace is a necessary component of the surrealism that De Thurah creates.

Not cruel? Hello? Well... ähm... its a fucking tiny little snake... and a snake has eyes... and there is a fucking big laser pointer.... and the light is totaly going into the eyes. completely.
I don't want to see that. because its fucking disgusting and cruel.
MEW Introducing Palace Players from martin de thurah on Vimeo.
There is also a download link on VIMEO:
Download Quicktime version 1024x576, 189.76MB
typically fine economies (of light, etc.).
i love this. easily one of my favorites of 09.
Any mollusk experts around to weigh in on this? Snails tend to retract their eyes at any provocation, so I was not reading allot of discomfort there. Also, I believe they can repair their eyes, unlike vertebrates.
Personally this does not bother me since its not meant to be a spectacle of cruelty, just a lighting effect. If in fact on set the snails would curl up and die right after, and they had to do it over and over to get it right, that would be pretty fucked up. Still, not sure I think that's any worse than selling snails as food.
I do think the octopus scene in Oldboy was totally over the line.
well done
surreal. dreamlike. deep. gorgeous. I wish I could to be a snail in a video directed by De Thurah.
Once again de thurah pisses all over the rest of us. He's a bit good.
Bit weird seeing someone that usually has such a strong personal vision fall back on the ole crewdson refs... Minor quibble though. It's still 100 times better than anything I've ever made. oh, and i don't think the laser affected the snail at all.
Laser affected the snail = sucks video = great laser affecting the snail = sucks again.
Expert snail people care add on a bit of info? of course I do not think it was hurt but if did...
I wish I was that snail, and was life sized I'll walk up to the director and POINT the laser right at his eyes, in close up.
Then go back to my trailer and meditate.
Take that, Mr director man!
"...Snails tend to retract their eyes at any provocation..." wrong. If you use something like your finger... right.
Take an human eye... put a finger in it = aua. Put a laser.. your blind... but no "aua". no reation.
A laser beam and a small eye of a snail. its jsut wrong and cruel.
And maybe its not cruel. Doesn't matter. Because it looks cruel. All thoughts are free. and if some of us thinks its cruel... (even its not) than its still part of the video. and its absurd.
because on one side... the 3D boxes are cruel to the snails. and on the other side the snails "loves" the 3D boxes... so... its absurd. teh video does not work. because of that!
Though isn't it nobler to try to make visual arts with snails than to cook them? That said, I'll never say no to a delicious plate of snails served with garlic sauce and a fresh baguette. Delicious! :)
yeah!!! fuck de thurah!! animal cruelty! call peta!!1
snails are ppl too martin can jsut escargot home for all i caerjklnrslakxasszfzg
Cool video. Lasers...Snails... A CUBE. Controversy.