Major Lazer - Pon de Floor (dir: Eric Wareheim)

Yeah. Fuck YEAH. It's So...yeah...
hilariously ott. (also: pre-empting åkerlund/rammstein...?)
oh, Eric. You. You lil rascal.
that track is wild.
Awful. Even if it's trying to be awful. It's just awful.
that video is crazin and amazin.
Reminds me of a post-breakup quote from MIA where she complained about how all Diplo does now is make music for Brazilian strippers or something like that.
White people make the darndest things.
Firstly, this video is kinda amazing. The mohawk guy is awesome and should probably be famous.
What's up with this artist though? Major Lazer is two white guys under the guise of a Jamaican cyborg cartoon. Is this defensive sarcastic PC-baiting, or am I reading them all wrong?
^^^^ You're not reading anything wrong.
Diplo career is pretty much built on appropriating music styles traditionally made by minorities and then selling it to white people who normally wouldn't be caught dead listening to that type of music.
Maybe just a nice social commentary, like this real life example...
everything about this is so fucking stupid.
mohawk guy is daggering impresario Skerrit Bwoy
So good. The ladder-dive made me spit up in my Cheerios.
It says the edit and effects were done by Fatal Farm. They do pretty mind blowing stuff.
Seeing white people laugh while watching this makes me uncomfortable.
Thanks for the info 'fyi.'
Craziest headline I've read in a long time....
"Doctors from local hospitals in Kingston, Jamaica, report that they've been seeing a record number of broken dicks in the past few months. They attribute this to the increased popularity of 'daggering.'"
Yeah.... I've been to a couple passa passa joints.... and you can take my word for it when I say that if you have ever been to one, you can understand the brilliance in this video. I love it. golf claps
Skerrit is a rockstar in this arena. This is not even the tip of the iceberg that a progressive movement for powerful and creative visuals for this subculture could generate. This shit is good.