Tiesto ft. Sneaky Sound System - I Will Be There (Dir. Muto Masashi)

this is one of the most epic videos i've seen in a long time
Nice concept and incredible execution of something more beautiful than average
It’s clearly entirely influenced by this
This video is just another in a long line of "conceived by a committee of expensive sneaker people" rip-offs of old videos that they correctly assume the teenybopper brain-dead audience's of commercial shite like Tiesto and Sneaky Sound System will never have seen.
try harder please.
Vidbot, I actually think that you are really really missing all the wonderful qualities and deeper meaning of NE-Os 'Futureschock' masterpiece by reducing it to "a robotic dance movements video". Also if you read the promo news article you'll see that they arrived at this in their own way here, Hondas Asimo robot being the inspiration.
Agreed, Igor. The NE-O video was wonderful, and vidbot's post takes it way out of context. When it came out, it really was at the top of it's class.
Dudes...what are you on about?
I in absolutely no way wish to demean the Futureshock video, I love that video it’s a classic.
I’m merely pointing out that this video has been clearly influenced by it, I don’t care what the PR blurb says its obviously been an influence here as it has on other work before
Ah, from the way your response was worded, it sounded as though you were suggesting NE-O's work was "conceived by a committee of expensive sneaker people".
Not at all I meant the video in this posting
glad you guys had this little spat for a sec, cus I hadn't seen that Futureshock video. That was awesome. Now I'm off to find a better quality version of it...