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Pitchfork's Best Music Videos of the Decade

discuss. (list reposted in comments)

Bunny Greenhouse, September 1, 2009 at 5:35:48 AM CEST

50: Flying Lotus - Parisian Goldfish (Eric Wareheim) 49: Escort - All Through the Night (Irwin Coffee) 48: N.A.S.A. - A Volta (Logan) 47: M83 - Kim & Jessie (Eva Husson) 46: Röyksopp - Remind Me (Ludovic Houplan/Hervé de Crécy) 45: The Dead Weather - Treat Me Like Your Mother (Glazer) 44: Fever Ray - If I Had a Heart (Andreas Nilsson) 43: Gnarls Barkley - Who's Gonna Save My Soul? (Milk) 42: Fionn Regan - Be Good or Be Gone (Si & Ad) 41: Tough Alliance - Silly Crimes (Marcus Söderlund) 40: Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Maps (Daughters) 39: Boards of Canada - Dayvan Cowboy (Melissa Olson) 38: MGMT - Time to Pretend (Tintori) 37: Vitalic - Poney, Pt. 1 (Pleix) 36: Cat Power - Lived in Bars (Robert Gordon) 35: The Shins - New Slang (Lance Bangs) 34: Girl Talk - Feed the Animals (Chris Beckman) 33: Junior Senior - Move Your Feet (Shynola) 32: Battles - Atlas (Saccenti) 31: LCD Soundsystem - Someone Great (Doug Aitken) 30: Kanye West - Can't Tell Me Nothing (Galifianakis/Oldham ver.) 29: Rock-A-Fire Explosion - Pop Lock and Drop It (Robert Whitcomb) 28: Chemical Brothers - Star Guitar (Gondry) 27: The Rapture - House of Jealous Lovers (Shynola) 26: Grizzly Bear - Knife (Encyclopedia Pictura) 25: Radiohead - House of Cards (James Frost) 24: Basement Jaxx - Where's Your Head At? (Traxtor) 23: Elton John - This Train Doesn't Stop There Anymore (LaChapelle) 22: Dinosaur Jr - Over It (Mark Locke) 21: Björk - Wanderlust (Encyclopedia Pictura) 20: Arcade Fire - My Body is a Cage (J. Tyler Helms) 19: The Avalanches - Frontier Psychiatrist (Tom Kuntz/Mike Maguire) 18: Justice - Stress (Romain Gavras) 17: Sigur Rós - Untitled #1 (Floria Sigismondi) 16 [tie]: Depeche Mode - Wrong (Daughters) 16 [tie]: Liars - Plaster Casts of Everything (Daughters) 15: Kanye West - Flashing Lights (Jonze) 14: Kylie Minogue - Come Into My World (Gondry) 13: The Lonely Island - Dick in a Box (Akiva Schaffer) 12: Chemical Brothers - Believe (Nic & Dom) 11: Björk - Triumph of the Heart (Jonze) 10: OK Go - Here It Goes Again (Trish Sie) 09: Fatboy Slim - Weapon of Choice (Jonze) 08: Justice - D.A.N.C.E. (Jonas & Francois) 07: Bat for Lashes - What's a Girl to Do (Dougal Wilson) 06: Pulp - Bad Cover Version (Cocker / Martin Wallace) 05: Feist - 1234 (Daughters) 04: The Avalanches - Since I Left You (Rob Leggatt/Leigh Marling) 03: Weezer - Pork & Beans (Matthew Cullen) 02: R. Kelly - Trapped in the Closet (Jim Swaffield/Victor Mignatti) 01: White Stripes - Fell in Love With a Girl (Gondry)

, September 1, 2009 at 6:12:18 AM CEST

I can understand a tie for first place or second place...even third place.

a tie for 16th place? Fuck you.

antdude, September 1, 2009 at 6:33:42 AM CEST

Too early. We have three months left for this decade!

mainchara, September 1, 2009 at 6:54:00 AM CEST

"Hey guys lets put in Dick in a Box- it'll be funny and totally unexpected." fnvefjk,dnjk

mva, September 1, 2009 at 6:55:37 AM CEST

these sort of lists are always so retarded.

macguffin, September 1, 2009 at 7:42:04 AM CEST

pitchfork must really not like hip hop

How the hell is "99 problems" not on here?

And no "Sensual Seduction" ??? WTF

otc, September 1, 2009 at 8:33:22 AM CEST

Pitchfork just has a bad collective memory. Most of these videos are either from within the past 2-3 years or off of a director's label DVD. Also they clearly don't have any interest in repping anything that falls outside of the indie/cool-mainstream category that they normally cover. I'm honestly surprised there's no rap on here considering how P4k writer Tom Breihan has written a whole article about how great Bernard Gourley is.

Conspicuously absent, especially considering P4k likes most of these artists: ^^99 Problems Dizzee Rascal - Sirens (should be top 10) Rich Boy - Throw Some D's Missy Elliot - Work It Unkle - Rabbit in Your Headlights (more universally loved than "Mother" and it didn't come out last month) Knife - Pass this on Hot Chip - Over and Over

If you were grading based on the video instead of picking cool artists: All American Rejects - Move Along Audioslave - Doesn't Remind Me

Needs more Albertin, Sigismondi, Thraves, Moyes, Martel, Muller, Melina, De Thurah, W.I.Z., Akerlund, Renck

I'm not even sure why I'm complaining about this, Antville could do better.

budget, September 1, 2009 at 8:43:01 AM CEST

Any list that includes Time To Pretend loses all credibility. And yes, Gourley got robbed. Where was Throw Some D's?

progosk, September 1, 2009 at 9:17:08 AM CEST

p4k list is fail. "Antville could do better" - hear, hear. lemme have a think about how best to wrangle this...

progosk, September 1, 2009 at 9:41:51 AM CEST

how bout: in a separate post, villerati throw up shortlists in no particular order, either from personal memory, or culled from previous lists (p4k 100 awesome, othastar's top 150 (in progress), 'ville awards, others) or sources (mvdbase releases, othastar's Wall...). then: fully collated list is voted on (via 'ville poll) which should give a collective top 50 by most votes. whatsay?

Bunny Greenhouse, September 1, 2009 at 9:44:12 AM CEST

stat: 38 of the 50 vids (that's 76%!) came out in '05-'09.

also, lol re: Wanderlust

"Another pure technical marvel in a visual career full of them for Björk, this video was made using something called stereoscopic 3-D. Near as we can tell that means, here that means using 2-D puppets, miniatures, live action, and computer graphics and laying them over one another to create the illusion of 3-D."
um, there was a 2d version, and a "stereoscopic" 3d version. two different videos. you guys are joking, right? ...right?
otc, September 1, 2009 at 10:30:29 AM CEST

bring it on. btw I think slant still holds the record for best definitive list, stylus has some ideas too.

progosk, September 1, 2009 at 10:37:49 AM CEST

nice, otc. other lists/sources, anyone? Bunny: i liked the fact that they had blurbs for each video, something that's unlikely to happen here, unless someone's itching to do it - but p'haps better none than p4k-style junk...

panopticon, September 1, 2009 at 3:36:16 PM CEST

Funny how their video list falls back on their indie-cool attitude MORE than their top 500 singles list. Agreed, 99 Problems, Work It and Move Along all deserve at least top 20. I would also make a strong argument for Glosoli by Sigur Ros.

jesse.ewles, September 1, 2009 at 4:17:57 PM CEST

Pitchfork has been lazy with it's video countdowns since the beginning. It has little to do with hipster prejudice I think. It seems they just don't care about music videos much.

progosk, September 1, 2009 at 6:58:57 PM CEST

slant's list is from 2003 and the titles are gif's instead of text - could someone just check whether there's actually anything 2000-2003 in there? thx.

Raphael De La Ghetto, September 1, 2009 at 7:25:06 PM CEST

Um... Johnny Cash - Hurt, anyone?

99 Problems, too. Pitchfork evidently hates Romanek.

robodrug, September 1, 2009 at 7:55:47 PM CEST

Half the world is missing....

otc, September 1, 2009 at 11:04:10 PM CEST

True Robo. Although I think their choices are kind of blah, there's also the MVPA lists 2000, 2001, 2002 etc...

mainchara, September 1, 2009 at 11:28:25 PM CEST

I totally forgot about Gourley!

If Pitchfork doesn't care for music videos then they really shouldn't even bother.

This list looks like it was slapped together over lunch by three Interns.

Oceans - Johan (Can't recall the director right now)

99 Problems (as some have already pointed out)

Oh and Saam's work with Klaxons?

Oh yeah.

progosk, September 1, 2009 at 11:46:07 PM CEST

hold y' horses - there'll soon be a thread where yall can let loose with your own personal 50 (max), for subsequent polling purposes of a definitive top o' the vids of the decade.

budget, September 2, 2009 at 1:13:54 AM CEST

So wait a sec- by what standard are we making this list?

  • Best videos in terms of cultural impact? ("video x changed the way people thought about mv's in the 00's")

  • Best video from a director-centric standpoint ("even though audioslave sucks, chris milk killed their mv")

  • Best video in terms of subjective taste ("video x made me lol")

  • Best video for your favorite band (passion pit rulz!)

Not to be a stickler, but I think one of the reasons everyone is hating on the pfork list is their vague criteria (which seems to boil down to, "music videos by bands we pay attention to").

Also, it's worth noting that a lot of videos might not have made the pfork list because they don't seem to "define" what the decade was about- for instance, I think Kanye's "All Falls Down" video is infinitely better than all of the MGMT videos combined, but in Pitchfork's eyes, the lo-fi neon aesthetic might seem like a better summation of the 00's than Milk's slick 35mm mv.

otc, September 2, 2009 at 1:53:20 AM CEST

It's not quite as hard as your making it sound. Obviously it shouldn't be about what bands we like, that's what's wrong with the pitchfork list. It shouldn't be about cultural impact per se, because then it would be a list of clips like "Dirrty" or "Yes We Can." I assume a few important breakthrough clips like "Here We Go Again" will make it on there because that only seems logical but the list doesn't need to be about that.

I assume the point of a decade list like this would be to honor some of the industry's crowning moments from the 2000-2003 heyday, plus show some of the great alternative work that's been produced in the last half without the full-scale budgets. Case in point; "All Falls Down" and "Time to Pretend" should probably both be on the list.

Another thing is that a lot of the best Director's Label videos were produced post-2000. Personally I think most of these have been canonized enough, can we just acknowledge that somehow and then ignore them?

familiar, September 2, 2009 at 2:04:45 AM CEST

This is sounding like "degrees of indie" to me.

Also: Not enough hip-hop videos? The list seems to target Pitchfork's audience quite well. Their bread and butter is so-called indie-rock.

Curated lists will always result in a bunch of people explaining why their own curated list is better.

Voted lists will result in a bunch of people explaining why everyone who voted was an idiot.

progosk, September 2, 2009 at 7:49:32 AM CEST

without trying to put too fine a point on it, i think the 'ville's hive standard will work wonders in levelling out anybody's excessive pent in one direction or another. the best/landmark/most memorable/top 50 videos of the decade - seems pretty parsable without detailled step-by-step, no?

familiar, September 2, 2009 at 8:16:53 AM CEST

Yeah. There are enough different points of view here that the results should be fairly reflective. Just derive a list, set up the voting, and let it sort itself out.

najork, September 3, 2009 at 6:36:06 AM CEST

From "Pitchfork's best videos of the decade list seems written by a suicidal teenager in Austin with a fake british accent."

familiar, September 3, 2009 at 6:40:26 AM CEST

Reading the rest of Kahn's Twitter posts makes me realize that his output reflects his personality quite well! Wow. Whatadouche.

moonman, September 3, 2009 at 8:02:04 AM CEST

This video MUST be on the Antville list of the 2000s videos:

senilitynow, September 3, 2009 at 9:13:21 AM CEST

fam, wtf are you talking about? perfectly nice dude.

"Ate mexican food and fell asleep. I would make an excellent welfare mom."


familiar, September 3, 2009 at 10:13:00 AM CEST

Yeah. Kind of awesome. The District9 analysis made me laugh, at least. Oh well.

my name is legion, September 3, 2009 at 11:40:19 AM CEST

budget wrote: "...I think Kanye's "All Falls Down" video is infinitely better than all of the MGMT videos combined"

truer words were never spoken

otc, September 11, 2009 at 8:35:01 PM CEST

Regarding the decade. So... are we gonna do this or what?

progosk, September 12, 2009 at 8:36:24 PM CEST

otc - coming up...


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