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Grizzly Bear - "While You Wait For The Others" (dir. Sean Pecknold)

Grizzly Bear - While You Wait for the Others from Grandchildren on Vimeo.

familiar, September 11, 2009 at 6:00:26 PM CEST

A better/high def (mov?) version would be great to see (Sean?) Thanks -- now embedded in higher quality Vimeo (click through for HD).

Bunny Greenhouse, September 11, 2009 at 9:00:46 PM CEST

perhaps not enough to sustain the entirety of the (brilliant) song – and i wish there was something that better reflected for the epic build/climax

otherwise, nice

panopticon, September 11, 2009 at 10:44:50 PM CEST

I feel like the Brothers Quay should get a co-directing credit on this one. Overall, I'd say this is a really cool video, but it's not as original as some of Grizz' other videos, like the exploding Kewpie heads in "Two Weeks" and the indescribably awesome "Knife."

macguffin, September 12, 2009 at 12:20:09 AM CEST

should have been a lot more

MattWells, September 12, 2009 at 12:28:51 AM CEST

It's very playful and mostly weaves its multiple formats together well. I especially like the guys leaning their heads into the other frames and spitting things out of them. I share the sentiments with Bunny but only about the build. I think the choice for the actual climax is pretty great. Is this their official video?

captainbob, September 12, 2009 at 5:32:14 AM CEST

worst grizzly bear video yet, including all the fan videos i've seen i kind of have a general dislike for random animated videos that looks like more of a string of some random tests, than a cohesive video. reusing lots of the same footage, random things moving because they can...but maybe thats just me. other people might love this type of thing.

familiar, September 12, 2009 at 6:09:06 AM CEST

Yes, other people do.

piore, September 12, 2009 at 12:04:44 PM CEST

brilliant song that seems to have such an epic quality. i really wish the animation was used to stitch together some narrative or at least an emotional arch.

shatner, September 12, 2009 at 12:48:23 PM CEST

This video did what it did very well.
I think a lot of the gripes above come from jealousy? You almost could have written- 'I would have done a better job if given the chance' under any of them. Well... that's fine to say when you aren't in the hot seat.
Good job.

luk, September 12, 2009 at 3:21:38 PM CEST

i'm with captainbob.

macguffin, September 12, 2009 at 5:23:12 PM CEST

@ shatner

So basically if you don't like a video than your are jealous of the director? Um...ok

You're right "the video did what did it well" It just didn't do much.

macmuffin, September 12, 2009 at 7:52:49 PM CEST

I feel it lived up to the great history of whimsical, surreal animation (Svankmajer, Jiri Barta, the Quays etc) as well as provided for a really nice music video, with it's own unique identity.

macguffin, your an idiot, all you do is spend your days blasting people on antville. You are the quintessential bitter failed artist. I want to see your work. You are a jealous person and all anyone has to do is read many of your previous postings on antville to know that.

Since when does everything need a linear narrative. Look outside.

macguffin, September 13, 2009 at 4:08:58 PM CEST

Who said anything about needing a linear narrative?

And if you looked closely you would see I praise a lot of stuff on here. It just seems lately the praiseworthy things are happening less and less.

This was one of my favorite songs off the album and I thought it deserved a better video especially considering the past video history of this band. I didn't "blast" the video I just said it could have been more. If that makes me a bitter artist in your eyes than oh well.

P.S. - And at least have the balls to post under your real screen name next time you wanna talk shit


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