Joshua James "Weeds" Dir Julian Acosta

in my opinion.......powerful images.
there seems to be no resolve but i like that.....a moment in time captured beautifully.
YES. Love it. I would have preferred it without the last shot, but otherwise a spot on mood piece. Location?
I think the imagery is great.
The religious tensions and implications are compelling, especially on second view.
I actually kind of like the ending, personally. There's something about him defying the laws of nature and sinking instead of floating that is really unsettling to me. In a good way.
Thank you for your nice words. The location is in Filmore, Utah. The sun shot (the last shot) didn't make the final cut, looks like that link I posted was of a previous version, inclusion of the sun is the only change. See below...if you want.
<a href=""target="_blank">No Sun
i liked it so much i watched both versions
great casting. great location. great look.
great stuff.
Great video!!! Bra-bra-bravo!
tho - there's something in your editing process that left doubled frames on the end of some scenes. it's minor, but it's really distracting from the lovely flow of the piece.
Thanks Progosk. I'll check out that double frame thing. Just FYI that was my first semester in film school. :)
i thought you were a drummer? enjoyed the images and music and the way it came together. can't wait for the next one Julian.