'ville.2k - antville votes the best music videos of the decade!

cast me vote 'scar tissue' is 99 and kano's vid's 'hustleR', and not 'hustle'
FC Kahuna - Hayling, Lynn Fox version is on but the Hardstaff version isn't?
Thats a bit smelly.
Dunno about this, ten years is a long time and im seeing an awful lot of videos from the last few years.
Perhaps some people with vested interest have been very busy.
Click click click, new user name click click click......
vidbot: did you nominate hardstaff's? if not, do let's avoid bickering, k? legion: duly noted, thx.
bloooooooody oath
seems like not all my votes are getting counted when i click 'vote'. my vote for Alias - sixes last didn't register for example..? is there a delay?
How many videos are on the list please?
430, tommy.
La videotheque show support to Video Antville!
Prog -- great work on this. Thank you.
erm, 9 vote penalty for MSTRKRFT... (sorry, vince)
Overload... and I'm just around the middle of the list. Some nice old ones worth revisiting, a few great new ones, nice surprises. Btw, the link for Van Helden's 'In your eyes' is cut short a couple seconds, and those few frames are the cherry on top.
Thanks very much for doing this Progosk!
"Kev: Lauryn Hill and D'angelo are '99" eliminated. change should show up in a few minutes.
This is the part of the story where my favourites die a slow agonizing death of unpopularity. Oh well, it's been fun anyway.
Thanks to Progosk and the rest of the antvillains for all of the submissions.
friends of Joel Trussel: i saw what you did there. 6 point penalty (so far).
Sincere apologies, progosk. Someone pointed this out to me and I didn't read the details. I got all excited and blogged all over myself. Tis an honor and only wish to play fair. One day I'll learn the rules of the internetting.
Thanks for the surprising nomination anyhow.
greets&compliments, anyhoo.
Here is my choice: lavideotheque.wordpress.com
Great work guys!
This is exhausting. Bad idea to cut stuff off at midnight, since it becomes unclear what day you are talking about, and no time-zone indicated either.
Surprised Jamelia ain't on here.
And no Rosenrot either.
Isn't Muscle Museum 99?
don't tell me you're re-watching every one, otc in any case, do let me know when you're done, so i can close this up. oh, and, you're right, muscle museum is nov 99 - eliminated.
re: missed ones - given the shitstorm it kicked up on the 'ville, interesting that johan's oceans got nary a nom. others?
Damn, forgot about Jamelia's SIIABE. Love that vid... Maybe for the 25 years of 2000 awards...
By the by, are you shuttin' er' down at 12:00am EST Progosk?
I just assumed someone would nominate Johan, otherwise I would of put it in mine. An oversight for sure. I already submitted my votes, I'm pretty sure they went through although I didn't check the votecounts.
closing remarks: pretty impressive turnout: 50 voters! krozm earns 3 late penalty points for an unjustified lurch in the last lap, and stress' late jump is also a little suspicious, but evidence is inconclusive. all in all, with three minor incidents, seems to me this went alright. now where are the data analysts? highest ranking artist? which top ranks are due to recency? most honoured director? test-of-time award? i'll mull the cut-off point, and will get around to posting results in a couple of days. thanks all - it's been exhausting but cool.
is the xls pending double checking? I noticed the sigur ros section seemed to be switched around from the votes
Progosk, I am from krozm and in some possible explanation about the leap towards the end of voting. The three of us only discovered this pole the other day. Obviously we voted for our own video as I am sure most other directors did. So possibly these three votes which were towards the end of the pole would account for a leap? Thats cool though if those three votes are counted as a penalty. I guess technically we did vote for ourselves but I don't believe there is anything suspicious about that. Anyway thanks for doing all this, we enjoyed looking through some old favourite videos.
kind regards k
naj: a doublecheck would be much appreciated. beep: 's cool.
prog: I gave it a once-over. Did not notice any other discrepancies, but the Sigur Ros songs are still misaligned. Noticed allot of scores I find baffling, but that's to be expected.
Was there some sort of official rule in regards to directors voting/director's encouraging others to vote? If so, why? it seems odd to penalize this.
erm... methinks that to gauge a general consensus, rather than to see who has the most zealous fanclub, was kinda the point of this, - no? in any case, stay tuned for officialdom...