Natalie Imbruglia "want"

Look at me.... i'm so sexy. PLEASE... look at my tits... wait.. i don't want to show you my tits... but look at me... I'm sooooo sexy. Look at my body. I'm Natalie. I'm sexy, right. Look ar me. PLEASE. Music sucks... but look at me. I'm sexy. Look at me. I'm filming mysefl... bu I will not show tits or ass. But I'm sexy. Look at me.
uuuh, i will buy her new pin-up calender...errrr album, i wanted to say album!
Richey James said that self obsession is a form of self loathing. If that is true, then this girl must really, really hate herself.
luk, your comment has really cracked me up
this is amazing. really excellent performance, great dynamic in the edit and a i love the way the lip synch works at the back end. director diane martel i think.
so many views. i didnt even know she was still around.
dull; like a Scunthorpe Sofa World advert where they've polished the sitter within an inch of her life...if this had quality street as well it'd be christmas...a chim-n-ee and it'd be Mary Poppins...even more bland and itd be white tack and we'd use it to stick up dumb comments on a wall.............
Very frustrating... I think this could've been an incredible video if they'd gone all out with the sad Natalie stuff. I reckon it would've been an interesting shock to suddenly see and focus on all the pain the break-up caused her.
After all, the first half is so Spice Girl 'girl power' and Beyonce 'To the left'. Which is to say, it's that near cliche video version of womanhood that paints these divas as stronger and better than any possible pain a relationship could inflict.
I'd have found it much more interesting (and novel) to have the video just flip the script halfway and really dig into the damage the break-up was doing to Natalie. Show her almost self-destructing.
I don't want to argue that that's a more accurate representation of what women actually go through but it seems like a more dynamic choice here. As it stands now the promo kinda cops out and just blahs it way through to the end...
P.S. - damn, Natalie is painfully gorgeous (mad respect to DP, M/U, & ahem Wardrobe).