Mum "Sing Along" : Dir. Kevin Phillips

lusk, I want to give you a giant hug for posting this. There were actually moments in this video that gave me chills.
wowwwwww this is the best thing I've seen in a longggg time.
ähm.. LINK?
crazy. & so beautiful.
found this -
Kee, my pleasure.
Wow yes! Multiple layers of ideas all intertwined to beautiful effect. can't wait to watch it again. lovely. someone post a nice high res quicktime please.
Lovely little gem.
Wow, to not just have the crazy Idea but to have the courage to pull it off... amazeing...
Wonderfully nonsensical. Anyone know where this was shot? I'm assuming Iceland.
this is incredible! so charming. makes no sense and it's perfect. wow!
WTF. that's too good for here. too good for us. i'm really jealous
that be this k phillips?
so many many many many great touches
may many many many more music video opportunities be bestowed upon you.
failed to impress me, and found it too random for my taste. b-sides, i'm too old fo cacky-colored children's books, sorry.
some cool images; but all i can imagine is a director who has some amazingly convoluted narrative in his head and no one is able to figure it out. For me, that's a case of poor storytelling.
But, great visuals! Those clouds below the hills is worth the price of admission alone!
Looks beautiful, makes no narrative sense and the concept is not strong enough to stand up and hold the floor. The video is sustained by the convolution and aesthetic indulgence of simple ideas. A light hearted David Lynch without cerebral engagement? I can't say that i like it but the performances and cinematography are good.
higher res version here:
or here:
absolutely phenomenal!!
the kind of video that makes me hate working in an industry that gives me a week to pre-produce (if I'm lucky), a day to shoot and three days to offline for an arduous two day approval shuttle.