Glasvegas - "It's My Own Cheating Heart..." (Dir: Lex Halaby)

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nice, great slow burn
whoa, weird video. don't know how i feel about it yet. feels very north-american.
video looks great lex! nice atmosphere

nice, a music video that feels like a music video
nice (thrice).
brrrrr...... awfully cheasy and boring story.
"nice, a music video that feels like a music video"
that just sounds like a backhanded compliment
dig how the video digs out of the song for the interviewer.
I love the banks of monitors too. Was that all practical or was some of it keyed in later?
Poor compared to the rest of the band's videos.
@LukeAsa - The screens were all shot practically from a locked off camera. Then split up in the edit for timing purposes.
Awesome love it.
best vid yet mr. halaby. that one dude looked like Will Ferrell tho, thought they were gonna bust out some anchor man skit.
ahhh that makes sense.