Britney Spears - 3 (dir. Diane Martel)

why does britney make the same facial expressions and hand gestures as she did when she was 18? she's 27 now, it's like a joke.
cheap and boring
because, Kevin, products don't change their recipes unless their makers change it for them. She tried going "New Coke", she ended up shithouse cray-cray. And bald-headed. So, maybe, you know, leave Britney alone??
birds. on. fire. best. comment. ever.
3 and a half boring minutes...
There is one thing that makes this video feel like a porno more than anything else, and that is all the dudes with the shaved heads.
that's not a bad idea actually, i'd like to see martel direct a porno.
Looks like an indie director trying to go mainroom pop video for cheap. Why?
Diane Martel is not indie
looks like all of the budget went to smoothing her face and bod in post.
boring song and boring video.
the lighting isn't very kind to her, is it?