Beyonce feat Lady Gaga "Video Phone" : Dir. Hype Williams

reminds me of...
Non non non! :( Ugly, aimless and weird.
Sex sells alright but c'mon!
^moar of this please.
^agree 3000 percent
wow. that was terrible/awful/rubbish.
if i'm not wrong, the director is hype williams and about the comment of captainmarc22 you're right, the video looks like happy hollows, i think that every director must credit (mention at least) to where the idea come from, there's a lot a talent that someone famous take it and take the credit for that, what a shame...
Director IS Hype and lookie here - a whole post on B versus G.
Lol, to me the inadvertent chroma masks looked like an attempt to put some sexualized Abu Ghraib imagery in the video. Good post 30.
Fuck fancy havin' 2 use perez to see whatcha bitchin'
when i release my collab wiv Gaga i sure as hell aint gettin Hype to rep me no ways, i'm goin straight to mandler you can trust him not to make you look like no punk.
sexy, innit i love this track and the abu ghrabi chic i also like the spastic cuts hype seems to be ernjoying so much lately nice, very nice
legion - I would suggest that is not a purposeful 'abu ghraib' reference. Check the link to my post above.

@30f: it makes sense they used those masks for keying, but what about the ropes? i think they used it on purpose, to strip the paparazzi down, give them some of their own medicine, show them what it's like. nice reading btw, your blog's quite insightful
Oh the work of Andrea Giacobbe is next for picking.
i have seen it on youtube and did not like it. But i recently saw it on tv liked it much better.
I like this Style in some of hypes videos which look more like a row of photographs in vogue or something than his "old style".
The colours etc. are very nice.
BET Award winner for "Video Of The Year". All I can say