Antville Awards 2009
The Winners!

Heeding no obstacles, here are the true, hive-polled winners, the crème de la crème of music videos of 2009:
most fun video Metronomy "A Thing For Me" Dir: Megaforce
best animated video Coldplay "Strawberry Swing" Dir: Shynola
best performance video Grizzly Bear "Two Weeks" Dir: Patrick Daughters
best narrative video Depeche Mode "Wrong" Dir. Patrick Daughters
Hype Williams Award (for Best Mainstream rap video) Kanye West- "Welcome To Heartbreak" Dir: Nabil
best choreography Lady Gaga "Bad Romance" Dir: Francis Lawrence, Choreographer: Laurieann Gibson
best art direction Charlotte Gainsbourg & Beck "Heaven Can Wait" Dir. Keith Schofield, PD: Megan Fenton & Philip Godwin
best editing Röyksopp "This Must Be It" Dir. & Editor: Andreas Nilsson & Filip Nilsson
best cinematography Depeche Mode - "Wrong" Dir: Patrick Daughters, DP: Shawn Kim
best unknown/unsigned director Kevin Phillips
best new director Danakil
director of the year Megaforce
best music video of the year Charlotte Gainsbourg & Beck "Heaven Can Wait" Dir: Keith Schofield
Thanks everyone for playing!
Nicely done Antville. The winners were spread and the wealth was shared, nitpicking on most fun video (I'll go with Justice or Major Lazer's Pon De Floor) and Director it was a good year for music videos here. Congrats to all, Megaforce and Keith you rock...
I'm working on contacting production companies et al at the moment.
Great work everyone. Nice list.
Here are links for the directors
kevathens : M Coy is Adestefideles, he made many mashup videos but he's not Danakil.
antvilleawards did a lazy job: no consistent formatting, no proofreading, no double-checking, no research, no credits correction etc but thanks anyway
bbc (et. al.), you weren't around when 'wards called for a hand, i take it? good stuff all in all. hope to see the winners stop by /check in...
fantastic list. & thank you antvilleawards. maybe it could be great to insert the nominees for each category?
Seems to be a thankless job. I think antvilleawards did fine, listened to the people who were participating, and was the only member who actually made it happen. I mean, I was too busy to nominate, but I think the winners were all worthy (I'm even coming around on that "Wrong" video).
How is 'Two Weeks' considered a performance video?
yay... i would be more speechless if it wasnt called the hype williams award :) ... but thx anyway.. this place generally is a good place to see whats out and people views on things.. constructive criticism is always beneficial for everyone, i am dancing in my underwear pouring champagne on my scandily clad body while typing with one hand.
Must agree with Najork.
And nice one Nabil :)
@nabil - yeah, 'the hype williams award' name is so un-Ed-Ucated and unnecessarily ironic; congrats for the win :)
regarding the awards, last years winners were more to my liking than this not so wild a bunch.
Sound as a Pound!
Thanks, guys.
Means a lot coming from you cynical bastards...
In all seriousness, I just wanted to thank you all for continuing to be so passionate about this medium that has been such a big part of my life for so long.
Thanks again, fuckers.
Nice work! But Metronomy came out late in 2008... Nice work anyway!
Metronomy was 08 but it came out after the last round of awards so it's eligable. Props to "awards" btw.
Hey Antville, thank you so much for the award - Video of the Year, wow! This truly is the best Christmas present I received this year - after my Xbox 360, a foot massager, my tie rack, the Best Buy gift certificate, some new socks, and a Terminator Salvation DVD.
But seriously, Video of the Year is a great present. Now what should I get for all of you?
-Keith Schofield.
oh shit antville.
this is a wonderfully pleasant internet blessing indeed.
thank you kindly 100 times over for the considerations and the award.
it makes me want to dance around eat glass and cry pleasant tears. i'll do that tomorrow.
it was truly a great thing to see this christmas.
and to the rest of the nominees and winners / congratulations - you've all made tremendous things.
bless, bless kevin phillips.
antville this is cool! Thanks, winning feels good. Keith and Philip big ups to you both and to everyone who voted!
xoxo Megan Fenton
great list. only one that bothered me was the 'Two Weeks' as best Performance video? I love P.Daughters like the rest of you, and it's a great song, but there's no performance in that video.
I'm glad people are bringing up a point about the "Two Weeks" video. I initially wanted to nominate that for the performance video category, but it didn't really fit. It doesn't really fit into the narrative category either though. Same goes for the Moray McLaren video by David Wilson... is it really narrative? I kept wishing that there was an entirely separate category for these vids like "Best Conceptual Video"
"Best Conceptual Video" is broad, but I think it would work well next year.
erm, seems to me every one of the 'wards winning videos is "conceptual". not sure what sense a separate category would have.
@progosk Yes, there is a concept behind each video, but the idea of a "Best Conceptual Video" is to allow a category that would trap videos that aren't narrative, animated, or performance-based. We'd see a different set of choices than we get in the video of the year section, and it would give videos like "Two Weeks" a place to live that makes a bit more sense.
the ana mendieta prize hasnt occured to you yet?