BALOJI - “Karibu Ya Bintou” (“Welcome to Life in Limbo”) feat. Konono N°1. Dir: Spike and Jones

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Shot in the streets of Kinshasa, site of Muhammad Ali's legendary 'Rumble in the Jungle', "Karibu Ya Bintou" ("Welcome to Life in Limbo") is the first video to accompany the 2010 album 'Kinshasa Succursale' by Baloji.
Composition & Lyrics: Baloji Tshiani Limpelé: Konono N°1 Universal Music Publishing - Kléa Songs Directors: Spike and Jones DOP: Nicolas Karakatsanis Producer: Annemie Decorte (Dr. Film) Styling: Ann Lauwerys Mask: Katrien Matthys
I adore this, music and video! Super les gars! Shot on 16mm I guess?
Nicolas my friend, you are a young superstar. Video is solid. Nowhere near as powerful as the stills you shot:
what's with the weird, squashed 1:1,25 format? (also, the "high res mov" is smaller than the vimeo upload...) nice stills, nic; good flow, spike & jones (+ luv the moniker ;-)
Kept me interested through to the end. Nice.
...watching it again. I miss music videos like this... honest, true, entertaining, good looking. How long were u on location? There is a ton of content there.
Spike and Jones? Are you serious? What's next? Chris and Cunningham? Michelle and Gondry? Jonathan and Glazer? Ammirite?
and don't get me started on Hammer and Tong....
Ok, changed the format on a new Vimeo link, with thanks to Dr. Film!
I like
tha's more like it! thx, knoto.
ah... but 16x9 compression looks shitty now... It's a shame.. get an HD upload up there. 1280x720 h264 mp4. Need help with that?
hd vimeo upload: :)