daniels, February 15, 2010 at 1:15:41 AM CET
Tandemoro "Diamonds" (Dir.: A NICE IDEA EVERY DAY)

"music video shot with a special invert technique"
gagarin2, February 15, 2010 at 3:14:00 PM CET
haha, ok,... neat trick with the keyboard!


progosk, February 15, 2010 at 4:50:44 PM CET
idea = nice. (qed.)
daniels, February 15, 2010 at 5:47:01 PM CET

Bunny Greenhouse, February 15, 2010 at 6:56:16 PM CET
pro-tip: if you're on a mac, (after watching it once) go back and press command+option+control+8 to invert the screen back and forth while watching to catch that "special invert technique"
& here's a vimeo link if that mov still ain't working e: oh wait it is now
p-daddy, February 15, 2010 at 7:35:23 PM CET
simple & great idea!
pancho, February 16, 2010 at 1:22:13 AM CET
ha.. very cool details!
otc, February 16, 2010 at 6:46:14 AM CET
enjoyed this.