Liars 'Scissor' Dir Andy Bruntel.

breath of fresh salty air..
wired magazine..
Very nice! Thanks Mr Bruntel.
fine, peculiar stuff. (as always.)
pretty great.
great!!! as usual! could have ended some secs earlier for me though,...
No complaints! Must'a been stoned! :)
Dream job. Andy is carrying the fire. :)
Umm carrying the fire? Where to? For whom? For you? :)
perfect. one can discuss on the ending.
Seems strange that they didn't just wrap it up during the end of the song. Regardless, another nice one from Liars, good narrative clip.
Fucking hell. AMAZING. Seriously made me like the track more. Keep it up Mr.Bruntel.
Sooooooo good.
Now on Vimeo
Concept is kind of dim..
Saw on Pitchfork. Not a fan of Liar's but this is the kind of rare clip that really gets me. Beautiful, moving, simple narrative idea that encompasses the themes of the song to a T. Early 'Best of 2010' list candidate.
Ok, that was genius.
Hate Wired's player and IMHO that track was sorta crap.