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Pomplamoose - Telephone (Cover)

robodrug, March 17, 2010 at 1:34:16 AM CET

Think this kinda stuff should be left to wee lasses like Alyssa Bernal n the likes of her oppo Eriel Ronquillo, cuttin' acoustic tunes from their bed rooms, they do a far better job!

piore, March 17, 2010 at 6:27:41 AM CET

sounds like Bird and the Bee

Danziger, March 17, 2010 at 10:18:51 AM CET

With 350,000 hits in just 2 days, robodrug has no idea how great pomplamoose is (and how big of a following this group has on the interwebs)!

robodrug, March 17, 2010 at 5:16:42 PM CET

^ Whilst I have no argument with the numbers produced on pomplamoose's viral popularity I can differ tho' in the conclusions drawn and inferred from such, for they are subjective

re: "has no idea how great pomplamoose is"

Myself, I made some objective effort into looking at the wider field of the 'cover' phenomena before I ran off wiv me mouf

Crunchin' numbers as a criteria for measuring talent is not a correctly applied equation. If such were the case then this performance requires equal weight and consideration

robodrug, March 17, 2010 at 7:00:54 PM CET

I'll add the ryder: The consequences of having to sift thru' the data and files on the web resulted in unavoidably re-listening to and watching pomplamoose

Though not my cup of tea there is nothing intricately unprofessional about them and tru' seems they have a genuine popular base, if less than their viral viewings It wouldn't harm their chances to hire a decent director to do a video treatment for them

progosk, March 17, 2010 at 7:46:11 PM CET

allow me to dissent, robo. the constancy and dedication with which these two musicians craft these little video gifts, suffused with spontaneous homemade charm and more than a modicum of visual wit, is part of their identity by now. take it away, and they're only half the moose they used to be.

my name is legion, March 17, 2010 at 8:39:44 PM CET

"suffused with spontaneous homemade charm" a kodak moment???

progosk, March 17, 2010 at 8:50:44 PM CET

hey, there's an idea: gaga does polaroid, why doesn't kodak do pompla?

my name is legion, March 17, 2010 at 9:13:15 PM CET

and cooke lenses

robodrug, March 17, 2010 at 11:07:02 PM CET

'be morose moose with that kind of fodder legion!

my name is legion, March 17, 2010 at 11:29:42 PM CET

you lodst me here. i dont understand what youre sayin. you had me trangoogling for 'be. truied to makea joke about diamonds for pigs, but i wasnt sure i understood what you said to begin with

but to make myself clear - i think it was videos like this that caused the chinese gov to deny its people's access to utube; so viral, they feared a pandemic.

senilitynow, March 18, 2010 at 12:16:40 AM CET

robodrug is irvine welsh.

robodrug, March 18, 2010 at 1:17:00 AM CET

Dam! Don't know wot gimme away there senility!...Cus! Cus!

It's not that funny really Legion ~ You had already set it up, following on from 'Homemade' by making a pun on the name 'Cooke'

~ Rhymed Progs moose with morose = Sad. Combined your cooke lens, fodder = grass, rhymes with glass = lens

Speaking of Cooke lenses Anyone use one on a 7d PL mount ? The conversion cost is pricey tho' $3k innit n' u have to have ur mirror box ripped out Though I see this dope for only $350 n' the mirror box is still in place, I think u can only use Lomo's on it tho' Shit I'd luv a crack at that!

Danziger, March 18, 2010 at 5:29:30 PM CET

C'mon robodrug, crack a smile. This music video fits the medium: YouTube. The medium is the message, and pomplamoose made their videos to fit the medium. Most professional music videos still try to get on dinosaur networks such as MTV, where they rarely play music videos anymore.

I would not be surprised if professional directors made "viral-style" music videos in the near-future for the YouTube generation instead of the MTV generation of decades gone by.

Danziger, March 18, 2010 at 5:31:59 PM CET

600,000 hits by the way. ;)

my name is legion, March 18, 2010 at 6:14:09 PM CET

mtv doesnt play music videos anymore? well, i just saw lady gaga on mtv(not the full 9 mins, but still) ; on the other hand, if you take these fucks out of their youtube-cage, no-one gives a fuck about them

robodrug, March 18, 2010 at 7:37:33 PM CET

Actually Danz I was quite prepared to go along wiv progs dissension, so don't push it mate....

Danziger, March 19, 2010 at 7:53:38 AM CET

MTV is a shell of its former self when it comes to broadcasting music videos.

Do you know why? Because of demographics. YouTube and Vimeo have brought new life for the music video genre, but it has also changed it. Television is increasingly becoming more marginalized and specific because consumers have so much choice with channel selection.

Now the paradoxical question is with so much choice on the internet, why does YouTube (and Vimeo) reign supreme in showcasing music videos that cater to a wider demographic than on MTV?


robodrug, March 19, 2010 at 4:01:18 PM CET

Danz Actually all's not well in u2b & vevo paradise Had you read my comment (links and all) ninth down from msm's 'pop can hair curler cap' (well link to Maluca - El Tigeraso as it transpires) you would be acquainted with this fact and would would not need to uselessly use electrons in posting a somewhat mistaken assertion and question

There's no guarantee that Vimeo won't go down the same road, after all its not a subscriber to the ideals of the EFF It is just a cog in the wheel of IAC/InterActiveCorp a limited company so the danger is always present of a hostile bid from asset stripping venture capitalists. I mean does the fact its CEO is Barry Diller inspire you?

Adverts make people turn off if they have other choices

pancho, March 19, 2010 at 6:16:12 PM CET

^ wow I had no idea.... That's pretty telling tho where online content is heading. Ouch..

Danziger, March 20, 2010 at 4:30:40 PM CET

The great thing about the internet is that if the masses don't like a website, they find an alternative and the masses will follow.

If you don't believe me, just create an artificial line-up, and strangers will join you. (Warning: You may need to create an artificial line-up with at least ten people in it to call it a line-up)

The internet itself can be viral in terms of what is popular. A few companies stick around usually because it is a) reliable and b) innovative. That's why Youtube is still around and it is too early to know for sure about Vimeo.

budget, March 20, 2010 at 6:33:27 PM CET

Danziger, you make no sense and these videos make me sad.

robodrug, March 20, 2010 at 8:31:30 PM CET

Danz are u backward or something? u2b is owned by fucking Google! A multinational! The fact that the Microsoft giant would sue to stop Kai-Fu Lee, its former vice-president from joining Google (citing his access to much sensitive information) seemingly means nothing to you, because in your words "A few companies stick around usually because... " like they woz small businesses benefiting from a piece of the action u mean, similar to the 'popplemoose channel' model? Grow up!

kevathens, March 20, 2010 at 9:13:38 PM CET

robodrug, March 21, 2010 at 5:17:29 AM CET

Your clip rather obnubilates its meaning Kev!

but still I conclude its likely....... popplemoose = Girly Sound :P

Danziger, March 21, 2010 at 5:41:21 AM CET

866,000+ hits robodrug since March 15. The facts are still the facts: people love pomplamoose's video. The end. :D

robodrug, March 21, 2010 at 5:54:30 AM CET

Ahh now come on ur just trollin' Danz, have I ever disputed the number of hits?

But since ur intent on being so bolshie, I'd like to know how this translates into actual downloads sold?

Danziger, March 21, 2010 at 6:54:48 AM CET

Actually, since this is the age of the single, most of the sales probably do not come from downloads sold but probably from concert attendance. And when I say concerts, I don't mean AC/DC or Guns 'N Roses, I mean small (local) venues.

But I don't know that answer for viralocity, only hits. :)

robodrug, March 21, 2010 at 6:11:36 PM CET

"don't know that answer for viralocity" I do 'spam'! look the word up Dilbert!

Still credit me with a modicum of intelligence ffs, I at least make a tentative effort to acquaint meself with some facts pertaining any issue I'm 'bout to run off mi mouf regarding......

A prior trawl thru' the 'moose's viral catalogue had informed me that 'moose's present gig circuit consisted of local venues, hence my description ~ 'small business model' It's not a put down as assumed from the defensive fanboy reply proffered, it's a deduction from facts at hand

The blind worship of the 'moose' apparently enfeebled your ability to take cognizance of the fact I had already accepted progs dissent and took on board his argument

All u seem capable off in this entire thread is hastily stitching a few buzz words to a given statistic boringly repeated at every given opportunity, like a mantra in the hope that the walls of Jericho will fall or something, 'demographics' has a wider meaning than the narrow implication u confine it to and probably dovetails better with my observations

So sorry mate I don't give a toss for the 'moose' any more than I do 'bout Susan Boyle, Paul Potts etc. The interest in this thread for me here, was that it enabled an exposure of facts which epitomize the enclosure of the web and its continuance, by big business

familiar, March 21, 2010 at 8:55:54 PM CET

Robo, what makes a phenomenon like Pomplamoose (web, viral) or Susan Boyle (TV, viral) or OK Go (web, viral) any less interesting or valid than Lady Gaga (marketing, TV, major label) or The Dixie Chicks (marketing, TV, major label)?

In terms of success, they all have their share. In terms of ideological validity, they are all flawed in their own way.

These arguments are rooted in cultural allegiances that speak more about the person who chooses to follow each one than to anything else. Your choice of whom you put your money on is less about their respective "art" (if you could call it that) than what they represent on a cultural basis. As a result, you have these ridiculous circular arguments in which neither side is right or wrong.

As I said in another post, these guys have a knack for producing pseudo-artistic pop-crap that has gained more momentum than almost any of the "well directed" videos by "good" musicians we've seen on here lately.

robodrug, March 21, 2010 at 9:36:48 PM CET

^ yes familiar, subjectivity is what your saying It's hardly my fault that Danziger can not grasp the connotation of the word.....

my name is legion, March 21, 2010 at 10:10:24 PM CET

in this case, subjectivity only serves as an excuse for bad taste.

familiar, March 21, 2010 at 10:35:25 PM CET

Not quite subjectivity. It's more complicated than that.

I'm talking about a simplification of concepts that guys like Chris Hedges talk about, and are pertinent to any discussion like this.

In essence, followers of Gaga are no less ideologically correct than followers of Pomplamoose, and are equally reflective of a movement towards an ever-more critically vapid society.

Social networking systems like YouTube (and Facebook, and Twitter) and current trends in mass-marketed culture and so-called counter-culture are exacerbating this.

my name is legion, March 21, 2010 at 11:19:03 PM CET

your rhetorics regardless, these pamaaplamoose videos still look like shit. the ideology behind them (for a laugh, ill admit there's more to their videos than aping lady gaga) is similar in scope to the ideology all adibas shoes share in common - to be mistaken for adidas.

Danziger, March 21, 2010 at 11:27:03 PM CET

Not to sound like a Web 1.0 rant, robodrug, but your recent condescending replies does not strengthen your argument. Your logic is flawed, and I will tell you why:

You don't see Pomplamoose for what they are: a local band that is popular worldwide (e.g. think global, act local). I replied in the beginning of this thread that the fact is that people love pomplamoose's video. I did not say ALL PEOPLE. I said people.

Yes, I love rubbing it in that they are getting (roughly) 100,000+ views per day for their video, and their fanbase is growing by the day, as well as their popularity. I am not at all being objective. But you don't have to get all defensive about it. Relax.

Did I say anything about big business? No I didn't. Did I mention MTV is going the way of the dinosaur? Yes I did. But that has nothing to do with business model but the medium itself. Don't confuse the two, robodrug.

You said that all is not well in Youtube and Vimeo paradise? I said it does not matter if it's Youtube, or Vimeo because the masses will follow whatever is popular. Your reply to that argument did not make sense because whatever website people choose to see their video, it will use the same medium, hence, the interwebs.

I grasp the concept of subjectivity, and don't worry, I'm not offended if you don't like Pomplamoose's music. But your posts come off as condescending, so that's why I hold them with a grain a salt, and that is why I reply to you in this manner. :)

Danziger, March 22, 2010 at 12:02:56 AM CET

Oh, and I have no idea what you're talking about in this thread that you mentioned for me to check out here.

In particular, robodrug, this quote:

"Thanks Gaga (in a roundabout way) Some light has finally been shed on the military like precision of daily deletion's from u2b, of thousands of "fan channel's" and VEVO's invasive sporadic infection of the url and entire internet. Yes perhaps I should have known but I dain't...... Still it might just all be in vain for the empire! :) "

Really? Lady Gaga did all that? Anyways, I just saw the "official" video directed by Jonas Akerlund, and director Michel Gondry is right. There's no continuity in the music video. It's just rehashed scenes Akerlund stole from other directors. It's almost laughable that people see greatness in this video, when it's so poorly put together.

As for the hidden meaning or double meaning, it's contrived and forced. The best way to describe the Lady Gaga video is as if Christina Aguilera's Dirty took a major dump into a Quentin Tarantino film, where the toilet paper Akerlund used to clean up the mess through editing was "How to Direct A Shocking Music Video for Dummies." It's a shame that he didn't finish reading that book. There was a glimpse of hope for popular culture.

robodrug, March 22, 2010 at 12:54:57 AM CET

Oh but you are offended otherwise you wouldn't upload smug childish posts Now kindly fuck off all the way back to u2b, u utter fucking troll and wanker

kevathens, March 22, 2010 at 4:16:16 AM CET

I'm just going to upload bland pop videos til the argument goes away. na na na na

This stuff is so momentary. It doesn't last like, uh, that Liars video? Oh shit none of it lasts, sorry.

kevathens, March 22, 2010 at 4:27:51 AM CET

On a more serious note, do you think anything we do lasts that long? Are the Beatles really going to be remembered once pop music loses potency? Who the fuck cares? Just enjoy what you enjoy then c'est la vie.

(That's kind of my philosophy on all music/video.)

Danziger, March 22, 2010 at 4:37:19 AM CET

Robodrug has lost all form of debate and now is going into personal insults.

940,000+ hits. :b

P.S. That video is hilarious, kevathens! It should definitely win a Darwin Award.

kevathens, March 22, 2010 at 4:40:44 AM CET

How about..

Danziger, March 22, 2010 at 4:48:55 AM CET

I counter your Jon Secada and raise you a <A>

my name is legion, March 22, 2010 at 9:08:18 AM CET

kevathens, January 25, 2011 at 3:59:03 AM CET

Pomplamoose for the win:


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