MGMT "Flash Delirium" Dir: Andreas Nilsson

Flash Embed on site:
thank you cap'n
awesome... psychedelic wes anderson?
this rules
Kept moving in tripped out ways. I like.
I like the eel throat, eye-patch grandpa, and hot tub brain machine.
What do you think? $75-100k?
Also - RED?
I heard that the 'electric feel' video was 80k. This would be the same or more. Who cares though. Good use of the $$.
I've been listening to the album a whole lot for a week or so and was wondering who would direct the first single, perfect mix with Nilsson.
Excellent story, the throat singing, the characters and that eel were all highlights. Reminded my of Exterminating Angel and also a few moments of the Sexx Laws video.
Thought the ending may have gone up a notch further but none the less engrossing and wonderful work.
Doesn't make any sense to me, although I dig the iron lung thing.
This is fucking awesome! This really makes me want to get back into live action stuff again. The mouth in the throat reminds me of the graphic novel Black Hole. Great job Andreas, you are really hitting your stride! Fucking brilliant!
Brilliant. One of my favs this year.
@kansas - Who cares about the budget? I do. Once you get past the initial like or dislike, that kinda stuff is important when you're in the business of making these things.
If that cost a million, I'd say it's not that great.
60k-ish? (which is close to what I thought) - Dope.
Awesome. Cronenberg Via Wes Anderson. Mr Nilsson was a great pick for this.
...and here's the HD vevo link:
Andreas Nilsson is always gold.
Looking at it I would say 7D? Nice use of the shutter towards the end when it gets crazy
Very nice. This came to mind immediately, due to the screen grab: Blur - There's No Other Way (dir. Dave Balfe)
It was shot on the RED. Very Rocky Horror Picture Show.
@nickygoose. Don't get your panties in a knot. Ofcourse the budget is important. Why do you think I bothered to answer your question? All I meant was that i enjoyed the video regardless of the budget. I mean it's obviously not a million dollars. Probably between 50 and 100k but like I said I definitely heard 'electric feel' was 80k so I'd bet around that. I think it looks like it cost more than 60k... location, props, costumes, multiple extras, in camera and post effects etc.
DP: Aaron Platt
Editor: Robert Lopuski
Producer: Jonathan Lia
Prod House: Streetgang Films
VFX (singing mouth) + online: Solid
Telecine: Marshall Plante
Label: Columbia
Whatever. The color correction sucks.
slam dunk
Wow. I don't know if that's a great video or not, but I've gained a lot of respect for MGMT. They're pretty mainstream now, and to hire an out there director to do what's gotta be his most insane video takes balls. Good for them. I have a feeling this one will grow on me as time passes, as did Andreas' first Fever Ray video.
Wow. I don't know if that's a great video or not, but I've gained a lot of respect for MGMT. They're pretty mainstream now, and to hire an out there director to do what's gotta be his most insane video takes balls. Good for them. I have a feeling this one will grow on me as time passes, as did Andreas' first Fever Ray video.
Well that certainly was a brain boxer It started off a bit slow and you know I thought that it woz gonna be like all the other dull stuff I just been watching. Then bang!It suddenly woke me up! The ending could've been a bit better defined, but am I that bothered.... Nahhh! Most Excellent
Not usually a hater but Am I the only one to see this overseen Cluedo casting, styling and art direction ? Am I the only one to feel intellectually insulted when someone serves us this "Hokus Pokus: watch out kids, now everything will go crazy old recipe" in the end ? The only geek to notice this inconsistent filming, grading and post ? But the most important, what about this pseudo short "story" that only an mtv addict can find "weird and awesome dude!". No to mention this weak acting.
Am I the only one to see all this ? allo ?, apparently yes.
no, youre not the only one. i dont like the video, its too dressed to impress and mannerist. although i usually admire what this director does, im not impressed this time
no use zoolamber. this video is pretty much made for antville
haha... what do you expect? great acting in a music video...? To me this is a nice 'old school' (think 1990s) music video, ambitious and over the top. I see where it can be borderline cheesy, but at least it was fun, entertaining, and bold. Also the sloppiness is part of the charm, if this was all clean and dry, it would have felt very forced. Also @ zoolamber, I'm sure those who appreciate the video are not necessarily "mtv addicts", where I grew up we didn't have MTV, and when I did get cable mtv had stopped showing music videos, so nice try at over generalizing. I think you're a little blasé and over thinking it.
Making of: