Massive Attack - Psyche (Dir: Dougal Wilson)

can't really believe this was only 5 thousand
really cool... but why the lip syncing? why? imo the singing acting karaoke doesn't add anything. It's distracting. but i like the lip synching, its erie, fits the urban ghost storee.
- to me, lip sync = music video
yeah i guess unless it's the singer lip syncing, i phase out. but it's still an amazingly beautifully shot video.
so the creepy girl turns into orko at the end?
hmmm. i can't visit the link from "my name is legion".
If i copy and paste the URL in my brwoser first a video pops up... but one second later youtube redirects me to "most viewed videos today"... WTF.
Maybe I can't watch the video.. because i life in germany... and i read so often "This video is not .... in your country".
@luk: I guess YT doesn't just bother anymore to tell you the link is dead.
this was the video
Who made this?
dougal wilson
Thanks, legion. HD-MOV anyone?
Hehe.. 'Let the right one in' meets 'Whats a Girl To Do' :) Great mood + masterful filmmaking = 5/5!
Shot on what camera? EX3...?
girl at the end reminds me of Orko
anyway nice locations! anyone knows where this was shot?
That was great! I really enjoyed this video. Does anyone know what this was shot on? Any camera details would be nice.
sony cinealta?
he's a master of his craft
what a shitload of roto work. i'm sure dougal wasn't doing any of it.
any more production pics? where do yo find those? :) based on the aspect ratio, i'd say redcam?
a catering company website? damn you antvillers are crafty.. hehe
@pancho - and the lens flares, they look like red but id say its a sony
Pretty nice. Legion are you saying this was on 5 thousand pounds?
...for catering. :) There is at least £5.000 of roto work there.
Very very nice work indeed. Congratulations Mr Wilson.
Beautiful video. Seems pointless to talk budget, since anything super low that looks this good was probably made with a truckload of favors.

i dont know if this was 5 thousand at all, all i know about this video is what i found on the internet, that is not much. oh, yes, i guessed the video could've been directed by dougal wilson, so i typed 'psyche massive attack dougal wilson' into google and found that catering website. then i remembered having read somewhere that MA commissioned 7/10 music videos/ 5k apiece. and i said theres no way you could v done this on 5k, unless blink put in an extra effort (to me it looks like it was more than one shooting day, also the locations, this doesnt look like a low budget production), given it was the first time they were working with MA. and maybe they were keen to impress, you know how agencies and prod houses are when they work with a new client for the first time. i agree with budget, probably lots of favours were pulled for this one. as for the photography, it looks like they shot underexposed ( i woudlnt venture to guess how many stops, but you know how these lens adapters work) a masive 'push' in post, hence the dynamic 'pixels/ noise'; there's no way film stock grain could ever be so 'dynamic'. but all these are just guesses, i might be wrong, but i like the video a lot and i am trying to figure out how they made it.
u2b link:
All links are dead...
Here, while it lasts:
(via Pronti al peggio)
Hi Camera was Redcam and the filming took place at three locations around shoreditch and Elephant and Castle. It was a low budget, don't know how much but took 4 days filming and everyone work really hard.
dir John Downer (not Dougal)
? dougal wilson made the video
No. Kevin is right.
oh really? why, because it says so in a press release? here it says different. never heard of john downer before, im pretty sure dougal wilson made this, looks like something dougal wilson would do, unless somebody else got credited for it. or its a monicker of sorts.
"London-based Virgin VP of marketing Sarah Sherry adds that a series of short films was made, with directors like Baillie Walsh, Jake Scott and Dougal Wilson each choosing album tracks to illustrate."
Lol. Downer did Peter Gabriel's "Digging in the Dirt". I'll dispatch an e-mail if you want.
never heard of hilm send me the mail please
are you telling me this guy made the video? i dont believe it to be tru i stick with dougal wilson
..I had been wondering because it hadn't shown up on CBlimp's site. I agree it looks very Dougal.
— definitely Dougal — not (yet) on since not officially released until yesterday (antville time) — full credits from Boards (†): Client: Massive Attack Title: Psyche Record label: Virgin Records, London Commissioner: Svana Gisla Production company: Colonel Blimp, London Director: Dougal Wilson Producer: Tamsin Glasson DP: Ross McLennan Art director: Andy Kelly Choreographer: Rachel Yates Stylist: Michelle May Editor: Dan Sherwen at Final Cut Post and TK: MPC
Yayyy kayser - Good video
Better quality:
Edit: Only in Germany, sorry. ;)
like i thought, MA released two videos for the same track (like they did with 'splitting the atom')
this is the video done by downer:
feels so good to be right
know what? downer's was a lovely watch - despite being 960px and vp6 encoded (≠HD! need.higher.res&throughput!)
downer's vid on: would love to see an hd version of that