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The Cars "Hello Again" dir. Andy Warhol / Don Munroe, 1984

The original vid (quicktime) is NSFW.

TV version: - -

kevathens, May 22, 2010 at 12:04:05 AM CEST

The vid was filmed somewhere in NYC with a coterie of Warhol friends. MTV gave the safe version a big premiere and such.

hipgnosist, May 22, 2010 at 12:31:04 AM CEST

COOL! Nice find on the NSFW version. Love the obscure classics. Thanks.

progosk, May 22, 2010 at 12:32:35 AM CEST

heh - tires...

kayser_sauze, June 11, 2010 at 1:34:49 AM CEST

orginal version avi kev are you sure about that Warhol credit? what's your source? (cf mvdbase)

kevathens, June 11, 2010 at 1:43:13 AM CEST

This thing

kayser_sauze, June 11, 2010 at 2:01:26 AM CEST

I see I watch onyl the making of

kayser_sauze, June 11, 2010 at 3:02:26 AM CEST

—judging from the making of, Warhol did not really co-direct the video, it's more of a PRestige credit —the DP was Shaun Harkins —with appearances by Dianne Brill, Andy Warhol, Gina Gershon, Benjamin Liu (as Ming Vauze) and John Sex

kayser_sauze, June 11, 2010 at 2:43:52 PM CEST

Thursday, March 29, 1984 It was raining and snowing out and this was the day we had to film all day doing the Cars video for their song "Hello Again" at the Be-Bop Cafe on 8th Street. Benjamin [Liu] came in drag to pick me up for shooting. He was going to be in it, too. I had to be a bartender and wear a tux. The crowd of extras looked like the old Factory [p.560] days—Benjamin in drag, and a bald-headed mine in a Pierrot outfit, and John Sex with this snake. And then there was Dianne Brill with her big tits and hourglass figure. The Cars were cute. They finally got to my part at 8:00 and I had to sing a song but I couldn't remember the words. And I had to mix a drink while I was doing it, and with my contacts on I couldn't see the Coke button on the soda dispenser. And that meant being face to face with the Cars for a while, and it was hard to talk to them. I didn't know what to say. I finished at 9:15. One of the kids gave me a ride home. [p.561]

Sunday, June 17, 1984 […] Went home and watched the thing they did on me on MTV. They showed Heat and a little of Kiss. Don Munroe talked and they had clips of the "Hello Again" video we did for the Cars. And I talked and I was okay. [p.582]

Thursday, November 27, 1986 […] I saw our Cars video, "Hello Again," on MTV. They ran it again, and it stills looks really good. I can't believe it came out of our place. And I can't believe nobody else had us to do their videos after that. [p.778]

taken from Andy Warhol: The Andy Warhol Diaries, edited by Pat Hackett. New York: Warner Books, 1989

miked, June 21, 2019 at 2:33:40 PM CEST

Better version of The Cars for the lovers. :)


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