Mystery Jets - Dreaming of another world - Dir: Yoann Lemoine

well they tried the 80s....more grist for the mill?
that said, pretty well shot, and a well cast "babe" for the not so clean cut boys...
nice grading
this is what i call art direction. amazing.
Yeah -- great art direction, styling, etc. Turned out nice.
WOA, super emotion and style, very cinematic, luv the color treatment - track is cool though
Turned out very nice.
great house, great styling. would work better as a fashion spread than as a music video.
I'm very excited to see cinematic and neat music videos again. Quality is back ! Amazing ending - EPIC. who is the DOP ?
looks great but boring. 60's greg crewdson
Yeah I agree with @captainhairy. Looks beautiful but its boring. Great use of colour. Very Ayoade at the end with the light and smoke
I didn't find this video boring AT ALL. I was actually very surprised by the number of shots, and I loved the mysterious ending. Very good work, made my day.
looks great! I expected to see some footage from the camera the characters were shooting... is that something that got lost in the edit?
original with an amazing art direction. epic! video of the month!
Director: Yoann Lemoine Producer: Beth Montague @ HSI Executive Producers: Jérôme Denis & Hélène Segol @ Wanda Line Producer: Yannis Cullaz Production Assistant: Marie Le Roux Comissioner: Claire Stubbs 1st Assistant: Antoine Poulet 2nd Assistant: Lucile Jacques Runner: Thierry Defossez Runner Assistant: Sarah Biolleau DP: Mathieu Plainfossé 1st DP Assistant: Emilie Colin 2nd DP Assistant: Huong Lam Gaffer: Guillaume Lemerle Gaffer Assistant: Johan Suisse Set & Props: Anna Brun Car: Hervé Lacoste Casting Director: Nadia Nataf Actress: Amélie Daure Hair: Olivier de Vriendt @ Artlist Make Up: Martena Duss Style: Rossana Passalacqua Boom Operator: Nassim El Mounabbih Editor: Nicolas Larrouquere Post Production Director: Olivier Glandais Post Production Assistant: Cecile Barou Post Production Assistant: Kelly Domingues
a lot of fake comments on here no? plenty of unfamiliar users. regardless, this is very pretty but i agree with otc. looks like a fashion catalogue more than a promo.