New films: S. Coppola / M. Romanek
Trailer: Sofia Coppola's "Somewhere" (quicktime) In theaters: December 22nd, 2010
Trailer: Mark Romanek's "Never Let Me Go" (quicktime) In theaters: October 1st, 2010
Green Hornet trailer coming in 5 days, Jimmy Kimmel.
These guys sum up my feelings on that Coppola trailer:
I agree Familiar.
Romanek film looks interesting.
Interested in neither. Neither indie darling or fan of boring stories.
Just an opinion.
Kimmel's work on Romanek's film is beautiful.
can sofia coppola please stop making movies that are metaphors for how hard it was for her to grow up in a family of rich artists... i don't really feel that sorry for her.
I'm really not looking forward to either, but I'll see Somewhere just to see it. (Never Let Me Go looks dulllll)
I'm quite excited about both films.
I understand Captain's criticism of Sofia, however; another way to look at it is that she is a filmmaker who chooses to make films dealing with what she knows about. I think it's easy to hate her because she is practically cinema royalty but it's worth recognizing that every one of her films have had a very strong, honest voice and are brilliantly crafted.
The Never Let Me Go trailer looks incredibly faithful to the book and happens to be pieced together in linear fashion of the narrative. in fact, it looks quite similar to how I pictured it all, so I wonder where we'll see Romanek deviate from print. I definitely recommend the novel for people who like narratives set in the future but don't always want post-apocalyptic visions.
^Corbijn is also making a film
And I agree with Keef about Ms. Coppola. I don't think I ever realized she had so many haters.
kind of disappointed that these two talented directors do not take the art of trailer very seriously, but i will undoubtedly be seeing these films and will enjoy them.