Arcade Fire – We Used To Wait (dir. Chris Milk)

Meh, it doesn't like my web browsers and old computers. Is there a video capture?
This is pretty amazing. Could mean so many different things to many different people. Im sure the experience is slightly dependent on where you grew up but this matched the area I grew up in quite well. Once I figured just what was going on my mind kind of exploded a little bit.
idk man, I know many consider this the "future" of media content, but I find myself absolutely not engaged with a promo that uses satellite imagery and big brother (google) as a mode of interaction.
This is neither interesting to make, nor be a part of as an audience.
Right away I found myself wondering, why should I feed this machine? And then asking, at what point will we turn our backs on this technology? Doesn't this all just feel like an overwhelming amount of spam...?
Yeah, the initial footage is intriguing but integrating google maps just felt silly, and by the time it got to the creative writing exercise, I checked out.
Feels like a cheap ploy built around technology, rather than an idea. This is like the 2010 equivalent of "hey we have a technocrane, let's use it in every shot!"
Could mean so many different things to many different people
Right. I found this both compelling as an artistic exercise and yes, worrying, in the sense of how we already take for granted the ubiquity of surveillance technologies and this will just be an unimportant fact of life for the younger generations. As for others, I know a couple people that would find this just gut-wrenching, due to experiences and life issues. Effective marketing tool, nonetheless.
My old house has been replaced by a Jiffy Lube since I left. The video was of a kid running around Jiffy Lube, and cg trees popping out of the Jiffy Lube parking lot. :) Cool ideas! It would have been nice if all the content could have appeared in one window somehow. Also, I wish the running kid footage and the CG was shot to match the Google cam aesthetic.
I thought this was pretty amazing and it was one of the more unique experiences I've had on the net. I had respect for Chris Milk's work and creativity before. I have even greater respect now. Bravo.
I sense bitterness at not having thought of this yourselves.
The revolution has begun...
Love it.